Our Terraria server runs on Tshock

The Server IP and port is

Factions Creation and Management

We have anti-cheat systems in place for both known cheating tools and a system to watch for suspicious character builds. The server is also optimized for both a lag free environment and resource balancing. We also have a server economy system in place. Further we have a housing option. This option allows users to define a house and set who else can mod said house.

  • /house
  • /house commands
  • /house summary
  • /house info
  • /house define
  • /house resize <up|down|left|right> <amount>
  • /house share <user>
  • /house unshare <user>
  • /house shareGroup <group>
  • /house unshareGroup <group>
  • /house delete
  • /house scan
  • /house reloadconfig

To get more information about a command type /<command> help ingame.

Commands and Descriptions For Faction System

Help : Shows the help text.
eg: /f help

Create : Creates a new faction.
eg: /f create Void Corp

Join : Join a faction.
eg: /f join Void Corp

Leave : Leave the faction.
eg: /f leave

rename : Rename the faction. (Leader only)
eg: /f rename The Void Bros

Lead : Make yourself the leader of the faction, if the leader has left the faction.
eg: /f lead

Ability : Changes the faction’s ability (Leader only)
eg: /f ability harvest
eg: /f ability (This will show all the ability names)

Region : Sets or deletes the faction’s region. (Leader only)
eg: /f set (This will set the region that player is inside of as the faction’s region. Faction regions are automatically shared with members.)
eg: /f del (Deletes the link between region and the faction.)

Invitetype : Shows your faction’s invite type if no arguments were given. But if the player is the leader and a number is given then sets the faction’s invite type to that numebr.
eg: /f invitetype
eg: /f invitetype 0 (This will set faction as “Open”.)
0 = Open, no need for invite
1 = All members can invite new players
2 = Only leader can invite new players

Invite : Invites a player to your faction.
eg: /f invite VoidBro

Accept : Accepts invitation to join a faction.
eg: /f accept

Info : Shows the faction’s information.
eg: /f info Void Corp

Our Minecraft Server IP is

Aside from being able to explore and build we have a fully functional economy system as well as land system

Commands for Economy

  • /mymoney (money, bal, seemoney, balance)
  • /givemoney (deposit)
  • /takemoney (withdraw)
  • /setmoney (setbal, setbalance)
  • /topmoney (baltop, balancetop)
  • /pay

Guilding and Factions Commands

The command is:
This command has subcommands like:
/f create
/f invite
/f claim
/f map
You may also read the ingame help manual. Read the help pages like this:
/f help 1
/f help 2
/f help 3

/sethome Setting a point for the home

/home Teleport to the point of the home


  • Position selection using /land pos1, /land pos2
  • Liquid flowing prevention
  • Land options such as accesspickuphidemessage
    • access is an option which can prevent from other players from accessing your land
    • pickup is an option which can prevent from other players from picking up items on your land
    • hide is an option which can prevent from your land is shown in list
    • message is an option which is shown when other player access to your land, active only
    • when access is on


/manage Opens the portal to create, manage, and delete a business
/timesheet Used for players to payout, clock in, and clock out to their multiple jobs.
/joboffer Used by players to accept employment opportunities.
/payto Used to pay businesses directly, and can provide receipts