1. The Fractured Reality

Summary: The defeat of Eryndor has destabilized the fabric of reality in the region. The Void’s influence has started to seep into the material world, causing strange and dangerous phenomena.

Title: The Fractured Reality
Level: Suitable for characters of levels 10-12
Setting: The Void, a surreal and chaotic dimension
Synopsis: After a catastrophic ritual performed by Eryndor, now known as the Echo Mage, the players find themselves in a fractured reality known as the Void. The party must navigate this dangerous and unpredictable realm, confront Eryndor, and restore the balance between the Void and the material world.

Part 1: Entering the Void


The adventure begins with the party experiencing the aftermath of Eryndor’s failed ritual. They are pulled into the Void, a realm of chaos and despair. The sky is a swirling vortex of colors, and the ground is a patchwork of different terrains. The players must find their bearings in this strange new world.

Scene 1: The Arrival

  • Description: The party arrives in the Void, disoriented and surrounded by unfamiliar landscapes. The air is thick with an unsettling energy, and the ground beneath their feet shifts unpredictably.
  • Encounters: The party encounters minor Void creatures (use Shadow, Specter, or similar low-level creatures) that test their combat abilities and resourcefulness.
  • Skill Challenges: The players must navigate the shifting terrain. Use Perception (DC 15) to notice stable paths, Athletics (DC 13) to traverse difficult terrain, and Arcana (DC 18) to understand the magical nature of the Void.

Scene 2: The First Revelation

  • Description: As the party progresses, they come across remnants of an ancient civilization. Ruins of magnificent structures now lie in disrepair, giving hints of a once-great society.
  • Encounters: The party encounters spectral guardians (use Wraiths or Ghosts) protecting the ruins. These spirits can provide cryptic clues about the Echoplex and its history.
  • Skill Challenges: Investigation (DC 17) to uncover hidden inscriptions, History (DC 15) to understand the significance of the ruins, and Persuasion (DC 20) to communicate with the spectral guardians.

Narrative Hook:

The spectral guardians reveal that the key to restoring balance lies in finding the Echoplex, an ancient artifact that Eryndor used to tear the fabric of reality. They also mention the existence of a guide who can help the party navigate the Void.

Part 2: Seeking the Guide

Scene 3: The Whispering Forest

  • Description: The party travels through a forest where the trees seem to whisper secrets. The atmosphere is eerie, and the path is difficult to follow.
  • Encounters: Void-touched beasts (use Phase Spiders, Blink Dogs, or Displacer Beasts) ambush the party, exploiting the strange environment.
  • Skill Challenges: Survival (DC 15) to track the correct path, Nature (DC 18) to understand the creatures, and Stealth (DC 16) to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

Scene 4: The Hermit’s Refuge

  • Description: Deep within the forest, the party finds a secluded refuge belonging to a hermit known as Kael, a former scholar who has survived in the Void for years.
  • Roleplay Encounter: Kael is wary but willing to help if the party can prove their intentions. He offers guidance in exchange for help with a problem of his own.
  • Skill Challenges: Insight (DC 15) to gauge Kael’s trustworthiness, Persuasion (DC 18) to convince him to help, and Medicine (DC 14) to assist with his health issues.

Narrative Hook:

Kael reveals that the Echoplex is located in the heart of the Void, within the Citadel of Echoes. He provides the party with a map and warns them of the dangers that lie ahead, including Eryndor’s loyal minions and the chaotic nature of the Void itself.

Part 3: The Journey to the Citadel

Scene 5: The Shattered Plains

  • Description: The party crosses vast plains broken into floating islands. Each island has a different environment, from icy tundras to burning deserts.
  • Encounters: Elemental creatures (use Elementals, Mephits, or Salamanders) challenge the party as they navigate the shifting landscape.
  • Skill Challenges: Acrobatics (DC 16) to jump between islands, Arcana (DC 20) to stabilize floating platforms, and Constitution saves (DC 14) to endure extreme weather.

Scene 6: The Echoing Caves

  • Description: The party enters a network of caves where echoes seem to come to life. These caves amplify sounds and create illusory threats.
  • Encounters: Illusionary doppelgängers (use Dopplegangers or Illusion spells) and traps that play on the characters’ fears.
  • Skill Challenges: Investigation (DC 17) to discern real threats from illusions, Perception (DC 18) to detect hidden traps, and Wisdom saves (DC 15) to resist fear effects.

Narrative Hook:

Within the caves, the party finds more clues about Eryndor’s transformation into the Echo Mage. They encounter a journal left by a former ally of Eryndor, detailing his descent into madness and the corruption of the Echoplex.

Part 4: The Citadel of Echoes

Scene 7: The Outer Gate

  • Description: The party arrives at the Citadel of Echoes, a towering fortress surrounded by swirling energies. The gate is guarded by powerful constructs.
  • Encounters: Guardian constructs (use Shield Guardians, Iron Golems, or similar creatures) and magical traps protecting the entrance.
  • Skill Challenges: Thieves’ Tools (DC 20) to disarm traps, Arcana (DC 18) to disable magical wards, and Strength (DC 22) to force open the gate if needed.

Scene 8: The Hall of Reflections

  • Description: Inside the Citadel, the party enters a grand hall filled with mirrors that reflect not only their images but also their deepest fears and desires.
  • Encounters: Mirror duplicates (use Mirror Image spell effects and Shadow Demons) that attack the party.
  • Skill Challenges: Wisdom saves (DC 17) to resist enchantment, Investigation (DC 20) to find the real exit, and Charisma saves (DC 18) to resist fear and temptation.

Narrative Hook:

The mirrors reveal visions of Eryndor’s past, showing his transformation from a noble politician to the Echo Mage. The party learns that Eryndor’s ultimate goal is to merge the Void with the material world, reshaping reality to his twisted vision.

Part 5: Confrontation and Resolution

Scene 9: The Chamber of Echoes

  • Description: The party finally reaches the heart of the Citadel, a vast chamber where the Echoplex hovers above a swirling vortex of energy. Eryndor stands before it, transformed and powerful.
  • Encounter: Final battle with Eryndor, the Echo Mage. Use a high-level spellcaster stat block (such as a modified Archmage or Lich) with unique abilities related to the Void and the Echoplex.
  • Battle Tactics: Eryndor uses the Echoplex to manipulate the battlefield, creating illusions, summoning Void creatures, and altering the terrain. He can also use legendary actions to cast spells or shift reality.

Skill Challenges:

  • Arcana (DC 20) to understand and counteract the Echoplex’s powers.
  • Wisdom saves (DC 18) to resist mind-altering effects.
  • Strength (DC 22) to break through magical barriers.
  • Dexterity saves (DC 20) to avoid environmental hazards.

Narrative Hook:

As the battle progresses, Eryndor’s madness becomes evident. He rants about his vision of a perfect world and blames the party for standing in his way. The party must decide whether to try and redeem him or to defeat him outright.


If Eryndor is defeated, the Echoplex’s power wanes, and the rift between the Void and the material world begins to close. The party must act quickly to escape the collapsing Citadel.

If they choose to redeem Eryndor, a successful Persuasion check (DC 25) might convince him to relinquish the Echoplex and help restore balance. This path requires the party to find a way to stabilize the Void and return home safely.

Epilogue: Return to Reality

The party returns to the material world, where their actions have lasting consequences. The kingdom of Aridorn begins to heal, but the scars of Eryndor’s reign remain. The party’s heroism is celebrated, but they must also deal with the political fallout and the remnants of Eryndor’s followers.

Additional Adventure Elements


  • Kael the Hermit: A knowledgeable guide who helps the party navigate the Void.
  • Spectral Guardians: Spirits of the ancient civilization that provide clues and warnings.
  • Eryndor/Echo Mage: The primary antagonist, a tragic figure consumed by his ambition and the power of the Echoplex.

Monsters and Encounters:

  • Void Creatures: Use creatures like Shadows, Specters, Wraiths, and custom Void-touched beasts.
  • Elementals: Representing the chaotic nature of the Void.
  • Constructs and Illusions: Guardians of the Citadel and manifestations of the Echo Mage’s power.

Magic Items and Rewards:

  • Void-infused Artifacts: Items that offer powerful abilities but come with risks of corruption.
  • Ancient Relics: Rewards for overcoming challenges in the ruins and caves.
  • The Echoplex (Optional): If the party manages to stabilize it, it could become a powerful artifact with both great potential and great danger.

Future Adventure Hooks:

  • Political Intrigue: Dealing with the power vacuum left by Eryndor’s fall.
  • Void Residue: Strange occurrences and creatures appearing in the material world.
  • Redemption Arc: Attempts to restore Eryndor or deal with other corrupted individuals.
  • Exploration of the Void: Further adventures into the unknown realms beyond the material world.

“The Fractured Reality” offers a rich and complex adventure, blending combat, roleplay, and exploration in a surreal and dangerous setting. The players will face moral dilemmas, challenging encounters, and the chance to shape the fate of their world. Whether they choose to destroy or redeem the Echo Mage, their actions will leave a lasting impact on the kingdom of Aridorn and beyond.

2. The Lost City

Summary: During their exploration of the ancient ruins, the party discovers clues pointing to a hidden city that holds the secrets of the civilization that created the Echoplex.


Title: The Lost City
Level: Suitable for characters of levels 10-12
Setting: An ancient, forgotten city within the Void
Synopsis: The party discovers a hidden, ancient city within the Void that holds secrets about the Echoplex and Eryndor’s transformation. They must explore the city, uncover its history, and confront powerful guardians to retrieve a vital artifact that can help them defeat Eryndor.

Part 1: Discovery of the Lost City


After their initial encounters in the Void, the party stumbles upon clues that lead them to the location of an ancient city. This city, long forgotten, is rumored to hold powerful artifacts and knowledge about the Echoplex and the Void.

Scene 1: The Hidden Path

  • Description: The party follows a series of cryptic clues found in ancient ruins and spectral guardians’ whispers. These clues lead them to a concealed path that descends into the depths of the Void.
  • Encounters: The path is guarded by Void creatures (use Shadow Demons, Nightmares, or similar creatures) that test the party’s resolve.
  • Skill Challenges: Perception (DC 18) to spot hidden markers, Survival (DC 16) to navigate the treacherous terrain, and Arcana (DC 20) to interpret magical glyphs.

Narrative Hook:

The final clue reveals the existence of the Lost City, a place of immense power and knowledge. The party must brave the dangers of the Void to reach it.

Part 2: Entering the Lost City

Scene 2: The Veiled Entrance

  • Description: The party arrives at the entrance to the Lost City, hidden behind a veil of magical energy. The entrance is guarded by ancient constructs and traps.
  • Encounters: Guardian constructs (use Stone Golems, Helmed Horrors, or similar creatures) and magical traps protecting the entrance.
  • Skill Challenges: Thieves’ Tools (DC 22) to disarm traps, Arcana (DC 20) to disable magical wards, and Athletics (DC 18) to force open the gate if needed.

Scene 3: The Hall of Ancestors

  • Description: Inside the entrance, the party finds themselves in a grand hall adorned with statues and murals depicting the city’s history. This hall serves as a resting place for the city’s founders and guardians.
  • Encounters: Spectral guardians (use Wraiths or Ghosts) that test the party’s worthiness to enter the city. These spirits can provide cryptic clues about the city’s history and its connection to the Echoplex.
  • Skill Challenges: History (DC 17) to interpret the murals, Persuasion (DC 20) to communicate with the spectral guardians, and Religion (DC 18) to perform rites that appease the spirits.

Narrative Hook:

The spectral guardians reveal that the Lost City was once a thriving civilization that fell into ruin due to the misuse of the Echoplex. They warn the party of the dangers within and hint at a powerful artifact that can help them defeat Eryndor.

Part 3: Exploring the Lost City

Scene 4: The Market District

  • Description: The party explores the remnants of the city’s market district, now overrun by strange flora and fauna. They must navigate the overgrown streets and uncover clues about the city’s past.
  • Encounters: Void-touched beasts (use Phase Spiders, Blink Dogs, or Displacer Beasts) and plant creatures (use Shambling Mounds, Vine Blights, or similar creatures) that attack the party.
  • Skill Challenges: Investigation (DC 18) to find hidden paths, Nature (DC 16) to identify dangerous plants, and Stealth (DC 20) to avoid ambushes.

Scene 5: The Library of Echoes

  • Description: The party discovers the city’s library, a vast repository of knowledge filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. The library is guarded by enchanted constructs and traps.
  • Encounters: Animated constructs (use Animated Armors, Rug of Smothering, or similar creatures) and magical traps protecting the knowledge within.
  • Skill Challenges: Arcana (DC 20) to decipher magical texts, Investigation (DC 18) to find specific information, and Perception (DC 16) to avoid traps.

Narrative Hook:

In the library, the party uncovers detailed records about the creation and use of the Echoplex. They learn about a powerful artifact, the Void Key, that can help them control or destroy the Echoplex. The party must find this key to stand a chance against Eryndor.

Part 4: Retrieving the Void Key

Scene 6: The Temple of Eternity

  • Description: The party follows the clues to the city’s temple district, where the Void Key is said to be hidden. The temple is a majestic structure filled with ancient relics and powerful guardians.
  • Encounters: Temple guardians (use Guardian Naga, Couatl, or similar creatures) and traps protecting the sacred artifact.
  • Skill Challenges: Religion (DC 20) to perform rites that allow safe passage, Thieves’ Tools (DC 22) to disarm traps, and Insight (DC 18) to solve ancient riddles.

Scene 7: The Sanctum of the Void Key

  • Description: Deep within the temple, the party finds the Sanctum of the Void Key, a hidden chamber where the artifact is kept. The sanctum is protected by powerful magical wards and a final guardian.
  • Encounters: The final guardian (use a powerful creature like a Marilith, Balor, or custom Void creature) that must be defeated or appeased to retrieve the Void Key.
  • Skill Challenges: Arcana (DC 22) to disable magical wards, Persuasion (DC 20) to communicate with the guardian, and Strength (DC 24) to force open the artifact’s container if needed.

Narrative Hook:

The party retrieves the Void Key and gains a deeper understanding of the Echoplex’s power. They learn that the Void Key can either control the Echoplex or destroy it, but using it will come at a great risk.

Part 5: Confrontation and Resolution

Scene 8: The Return to the Citadel

  • Description: Armed with the Void Key, the party returns to the Citadel of Echoes to confront Eryndor. The journey back is fraught with dangers as Eryndor’s minions attempt to stop them.
  • Encounters: Void creatures and Eryndor’s loyal minions (use a mix of powerful undead, fiends, and aberrations) that ambush the party.
  • Skill Challenges: Stealth (DC 20) to avoid patrols, Perception (DC 18) to detect ambushes, and Survival (DC 16) to find the safest path.

Scene 9: The Final Confrontation

  • Description: The party arrives at the heart of the Citadel, where Eryndor awaits. The final battle takes place in a grand chamber filled with swirling energies and the Echoplex hovering above.
  • Encounter: Final battle with Eryndor, the Echo Mage. Use a high-level spellcaster stat block (such as a modified Archmage or Lich) with unique abilities related to the Void and the Echoplex.
  • Battle Tactics: Eryndor uses the Echoplex to manipulate the battlefield, creating illusions, summoning Void creatures, and altering the terrain. He can also use legendary actions to cast spells or shift reality.

Skill Challenges:

  • Arcana (DC 20) to understand and counteract the Echoplex’s powers.
  • Wisdom saves (DC 18) to resist mind-altering effects.
  • Strength (DC 22) to break through magical barriers.
  • Dexterity saves (DC 20) to avoid environmental hazards.

Narrative Hook:

As the battle progresses, the party must decide how to use the Void Key. They can attempt to control the Echoplex, risking their own corruption, or destroy it, potentially collapsing the Void and trapping themselves within.


If the party successfully defeats Eryndor and uses the Void Key, the Echoplex’s power is neutralized, and the rift between the Void and the material world begins to close. The party must act quickly to escape the collapsing Citadel.

If they choose to control the Echoplex, they must make a series of high-stakes skill checks and saves (DC 25) to resist its corrupting influence and stabilize the Void. This path requires careful planning and strong willpower.

Epilogue: Return to Reality

The party returns to the material world, where their actions have lasting consequences. The kingdom of Aridorn begins to heal, but the scars of Eryndor’s reign remain. The party’s heroism is celebrated, but they must also deal with the political fallout and the remnants of Eryndor’s followers.

Additional Adventure Elements


  • Kael the Hermit: A knowledgeable guide who helps the party navigate the Void.
  • Spectral Guardians: Spirits of the ancient civilization that provide clues and warnings.
  • Eryndor/Echo Mage: The primary antagonist, a tragic figure consumed by his ambition and the power of the Echoplex.

Monsters and Encounters:

  • Void Creatures: Use creatures like Shadows, Specters, Wraiths, and custom Void-touched beasts.
  • Elementals: Representing the chaotic nature of the Void.
  • Constructs: Guardians of the Lost City’s treasures.

Magic Items:

  • Void Key: A powerful artifact with the potential to control or destroy the Echoplex.
  • Ancient Relics: Items imbued with Void energy, offering unique abilities and risks.

Future Adventure Hooks:

  • Political Intrigue: Dealing with the power vacuum left by Eryndor’s fall.
  • Void Residue: Strange occurrences and creatures appearing in the material world.
  • Redemption Arc: Attempts to restore Eryndor or deal with other corrupted individuals.
  • Exploration of the Void: Further adventures into the unknown realms beyond the material world.


“The Lost City” offers a rich and complex adventure, blending combat, roleplay, and exploration in a surreal and dangerous setting. The players will face moral dilemmas, challenging encounters, and the chance to shape the fate of their world. Whether they choose to control or destroy the Echoplex, their actions will leave a lasting impact on the kingdom of Aridorn and beyond.