Scene 1: The Rusty Lantern

Setting the Scene

The Rusty Lantern is a cozy, dimly lit tavern filled with the smell of roasting meat and the sound of lively chatter. The walls are adorned with old maps and hunting trophies, and the air is thick with the warmth of a roaring fireplace. The party is gathered around a sturdy wooden table, enjoying a well-earned rest after their recent adventures. The innkeeper, Marla, a jovial woman with a quick wit, serves them drinks and food with a warm smile.

Arrival of the Void Soldiers

The tavern door swings open, and a group of strangers walks in. Their presence immediately commands attention. Clad in dark, travel-worn cloaks, their eyes scan the room before settling on the party. These are the Void Soldiers, sent by the Echo Mage. They approach the party’s table, introducing themselves as weary travelers looking for company. Their leader, a tall, imposing figure with piercing eyes, does most of the talking, weaving tales of distant lands and powerful forces at work.

Initial Interactions

The Void Soldiers are polite and engaging, asking the party about their recent adventures and sharing stories of their own. They buy a round of drinks, further ingratiating themselves with the party. Despite their friendly demeanor, there is something unsettling about their presence.

Scene 2: The Spread of Uncertainty

Sowing Seeds of Doubt

As the evening progresses, the Void Soldiers subtly sow seeds of doubt and uncertainty among the party. They speak of unseen dangers and powerful enemies, hinting that the party’s recent actions might have unintended consequences. Their stories are filled with half-truths and insinuations, designed to make the party question their decisions and actions.

Creating Division

The Void Soldiers take turns speaking with different members of the party, subtly playing on their fears and insecurities. They suggest that certain party members might have hidden agendas or that their goals might not align. This causes the party to begin questioning each other’s motives and judgment.

Growing Unease

As the night wears on, the atmosphere in the Rusty Lantern becomes increasingly tense. The party members find themselves arguing and disagreeing, their unity beginning to fracture. The once cozy and warm tavern now feels claustrophobic and oppressive.

Scene 3: The Ambush

Revealing Their True Intentions

Just as tensions reach a peak, the Void Soldiers reveal their true intentions. The leader gives a signal, and the soldiers draw their weapons, launching a surprise attack on the party. The tavern erupts into chaos, with patrons screaming and scrambling for cover.

The Battle

The party fights back, but the Void Soldiers are well-trained and coordinated. The fight is fierce, with tables and chairs overturned, and the sound of clashing steel filling the air. Despite their best efforts, the party is overwhelmed. One by one, they fall, until all that remains is silence.


As the dust settles, the Void Soldiers stand over the fallen party members. The leader mutters a few cryptic words before the soldiers vanish into the night, leaving the tavern in shambles.

Scene 4: The Void

Awakening in the Void

Instead of death, the party awakens in a strange and alien world – the Void. The landscape is surreal and disorienting, with shifting colors and distorted shapes. Each member finds themselves alone, separated from the others in this bizarre environment.

Navigating the New Reality

The party members must navigate this new reality, encountering emotional torrents and clouds of emotions. These torrents manifest as intense feelings – fear, sorrow, anger – that threaten to overwhelm them. The environment itself is hostile, with shifting terrain and strange phenomena that challenge their perceptions.

Reuniting the Party

As they explore, the party members slowly find each other, overcoming the emotional and physical challenges of the Void. Their experiences in this strange land force them to confront their doubts and fears, ultimately strengthening their bonds.

Scene 5: The Revelation

Discovering the Truth

As they delve deeper into the Void, the party uncovers the truth about the Echoplex and the Echo Mage. They find remnants of the ancient civilization that created the Echoplex, learning about its original purpose and the catastrophic events that led to its downfall.

Understanding the Echo Mage’s Plan

Through visions and encounters with trapped memories, they piece together Eryndor’s story – his transformation into the Echo Mage and his plan to manipulate reality. They learn about the echo chamber, the manipulation of information, and the true power of the Echoplex.

Vowing to Return

Armed with this knowledge, the party vows to return to their world and stop the Echo Mage. They realize that their experiences in the Void have given them a unique understanding of the Echo Mage’s power and the means to counteract it.

Detailed Breakdown

Scene 1: The Rusty Lantern

Setting the Scene

The Rusty Lantern is a cozy, dimly lit tavern, a haven for travelers and adventurers alike. The crackling fireplace casts a warm glow, and the smell of roasting meat fills the air, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread and spiced ale. The walls are adorned with old maps, hunting trophies, and lanterns that give the tavern its name. The patrons are a mix of locals and travelers, their conversations creating a lively hum that fills the room.

At a large wooden table near the fireplace, the party sits, enjoying a well-deserved rest. The innkeeper, Marla, a stout woman with a cheerful demeanor and a knack for storytelling, brings them hearty meals and drinks. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the party members are engrossed in lighthearted banter, recounting their recent adventures.

Arrival of the Void Soldiers

The tavern door swings open with a creak, and a group of strangers enters. They are Void Soldiers, sent by the Echo Mage, though their true nature is yet unknown to the party. Clad in dark, travel-worn cloaks, their presence immediately commands attention. Their leader, a tall, imposing figure with piercing eyes, surveys the room before leading his companions to a table near the party.

One of the Void Soldiers stands out: a charismatic individual with a flair for dramatics named Thalios. He has a commanding presence and a voice that can capture a room’s attention with ease. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he proposes a storytelling contest to the room, his booming voice cutting through the chatter.

Thalios’ Proposal

“Good evening, friends and fellow travelers!” Thalios announces, standing atop a chair to address the entire tavern. “I propose a contest to pass the time on this fine evening. A contest of tales, of grand adventures and daring deeds! Each of us shall tell a story, and the best one wins a round of drinks on the house, courtesy of our generous host!”

The room erupts in cheers and applause, the patrons excited by the prospect of entertainment and free drinks. Thalios smiles broadly, his eyes twinkling with delight as he steps down from the chair and approaches the party’s table.

“Care to join in the fun?” he asks, his tone inviting yet challenging. “Surely, a group of adventurers like yourselves must have some remarkable stories to share.”

The Contest Begins

The party members exchange glances, weighing the invitation. Participating in the contest could be a fun way to unwind, but there’s an underlying tension they can’t quite place. After a brief discussion, they decide to join the contest, eager to share their tales and possibly win a round of drinks.

Each participant must make a Performance or Persuasion check when telling their story. Thalios explains the rules with a dramatic flourish, his voice carrying a tone of excitement and anticipation.

Positive Checks

If a player rolls a high Performance or Persuasion check, their story captivates the audience. They weave a tale that holds the listeners spellbound, their words painting vivid pictures of their adventures. The patrons hang on every word, and the atmosphere in the tavern becomes electric with anticipation.

Example of a Positive Check Result:

As Elara, the bard, begins her story, she strums her lute softly, her melodious voice drawing everyone’s attention. She recounts a daring rescue mission, her words flowing like music. She describes the treacherous climb up a sheer cliff face, the narrow escape from a dragon’s lair, and the triumphant return with the rescued villagers. The patrons are entranced, their faces alight with wonder and admiration.

  • Impact on the Audience: The audience is enthralled, their cheers and applause growing louder with each twist and turn of the tale. Elara’s performance boosts the party’s reputation in the tavern, earning them the admiration and respect of the patrons.
  • Effect on the Void Soldiers: Thalios and his companions exchange glances, their initial confidence wavering slightly. They realize they might have underestimated the party.
  • Rewards: Marla, the innkeeper, is so impressed that she not only offers a round of drinks but also a discount on their stay. Other patrons might offer small tokens of appreciation, such as trinkets or useful information about the area.

Negative Checks

If a player rolls a low Performance or Persuasion check, their story falls flat. They struggle to hold the audience’s attention, their words failing to inspire or captivate. The patrons grow restless, some losing interest and returning to their own conversations.

Example of a Negative Check Result:

Thorn, the ranger, attempts to tell a story of a hunt in the deep forest. However, his usually steady voice falters, and his descriptions are vague and lack the vivid detail needed to engage the audience. He stumbles over his words, and the patrons begin to lose interest, some yawning or turning away to talk amongst themselves.

  • Impact on the Audience: The audience is polite but unimpressed. Their applause is sparse, and some patrons even chuckle or murmur amongst themselves, criticizing the lackluster performance.
  • Effect on the Void Soldiers: Thalios smirks, his confidence bolstered by the ranger’s failure. He exchanges amused glances with his companions, their initial wariness replaced by smug satisfaction.
  • Consequences: Marla offers a sympathetic smile but doesn’t provide any additional perks. The party’s reputation in the tavern might suffer slightly, and they may face teasing or skepticism from other patrons.

Thalios’ Turn

After the party members have told their stories, Thalios steps forward to tell his own tale. He spins a grand narrative, filled with drama and intrigue, his voice commanding the room. He describes a daring heist from a noble’s mansion, the thrill of the chase, and the narrow escape through the city’s underground tunnels. His performance is masterful, leaving the audience spellbound.

Performance or Persuasion Check for Thalios:

Thalios rolls a high Performance check, his story captivating the audience. The patrons cheer and applaud, some even standing to give him a round of applause. His charismatic delivery and dramatic flair make his tale the highlight of the evening.

Impact on the Party:

  • Challenge: The party realizes they are up against a formidable opponent in Thalios. His storytelling skills are exceptional, and they must step up their game to win the contest.
  • Respect: Despite the competition, the party gains a newfound respect for Thalios. They recognize his talent and see him as a worthy rival.
  • Suspicion: However, his polished performance and the subtle manipulations in his story raise their suspicions. They sense there is more to Thalios and his companions than meets the eye.

The Final Decision

Marla steps forward to announce the winner of the contest. She praises each participant for their efforts, but ultimately, she declares Thalios the winner, his tale having captivated the audience the most. The Void Soldiers celebrate, their leader graciously accepting the round of drinks from the house.

Rewards for Participation:

  • Experience Points: The party earns experience points for participating in the contest, regardless of the outcome. Those who rolled high checks receive a bonus.
  • Character Development: The contest provides an opportunity for character development, revealing strengths and weaknesses in each member’s storytelling and persuasion skills.
  • Plot Advancement: The interactions with the Void Soldiers lay the groundwork for the events to come, sowing seeds of doubt and setting the stage for the ambush.

After the Contest

As the night progresses, the atmosphere in the Rusty Lantern becomes more relaxed. The party members mingle with the patrons, sharing more stories and learning about the local area. However, the seeds of doubt sown by the Void Soldiers begin to take root, creating subtle tensions within the group.

Preparing for the Ambush

Unbeknownst to the party, the Void Soldiers are not done. They have gathered valuable information about the party’s strengths and weaknesses through the contest. As the night draws to a close, they prepare to execute the next phase of their plan – the ambush.

Conclusion of Scene 1

Scene 2: The Spread of Uncertainty

Setting the Scene

The Rusty Lantern is now abuzz with the aftermath of the storytelling contest. Patrons are engaged in lively discussions, their spirits high from the evening’s entertainment. The warm glow of the fireplace casts flickering shadows on the walls, and the smell of roasted meat still lingers in the air. The party, having participated in the contest, is now mingling with the other patrons, their initial wariness of the Void Soldiers somewhat diminished by the night’s revelry.

However, the Void Soldiers are not done with their mission. Their true objective is to sow seeds of doubt and discord within the party, weakening their unity and making them vulnerable to the upcoming ambush. They subtly begin their insidious work, using their skills in manipulation and deception to create uncertainty and mistrust.

Skill Checks for Spreading Uncertainty

The Void Soldiers will use various tactics to spread doubt. The party members will need to make a series of skill checks to resist these manipulations. The primary skills involved will be Insight, Perception, and Wisdom (saving throws).

  1. Insight Check – To detect the true intentions behind the Void Soldiers’ words and actions.
  2. Perception Check – To notice subtle cues and inconsistencies in the Void Soldiers’ stories and behavior.
  3. Wisdom Saving Throw – To resist the emotional manipulation and maintain mental fortitude.

Each party member will make these checks at different points throughout the evening as they interact with the Void Soldiers.

Insight Check

DC: 15

Positive Outcome (High Insight Check)

A high Insight check allows a party member to see through the Void Soldiers’ deceptions. They notice the subtle cues and inconsistencies in their stories, recognizing the manipulative intent behind their words.

Example of a Positive Insight Check Result:

Elara, the bard, engages in conversation with Thalios. She listens carefully as he spins a tale of a powerful enemy lurking in the shadows. Despite his charismatic delivery, Elara’s keen intuition picks up on the subtle contradictions in his story and the manipulative undertones in his words.

  • Impact on the Character: Elara becomes suspicious of Thalios and the other Void Soldiers. She warns her companions to be cautious and to not take their words at face value.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s trust in the Void Soldiers diminishes. They become more guarded and skeptical of any information provided by the strangers.
  • Strategic Advantage: With heightened awareness, the party is better prepared for any potential treachery. They keep a closer eye on the Void Soldiers, reducing the likelihood of being caught off guard.

Negative Outcome (Low Insight Check)

A low Insight check means the party member fails to see through the deception. They are taken in by the Void Soldiers’ charm and persuasive stories, believing their words to be sincere.

Example of a Negative Insight Check Result:

Thorn, the ranger, finds himself engaged in a conversation with one of the Void Soldiers. The soldier tells a convincing story about a group of adventurers who were betrayed by their allies. Thorn, trusting and straightforward by nature, fails to detect the underlying manipulation.

  • Impact on the Character: Thorn begins to doubt his companions, wondering if they might betray him in the future. This seed of doubt grows, affecting his interactions with the party.
  • Effect on the Group: Thorn’s trust issues create subtle tensions within the party. His behavior becomes more guarded and suspicious, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party’s unity is weakened. With Thorn’s growing distrust, their ability to work together effectively is compromised, making them more vulnerable to the upcoming ambush.

Perception Check

DC: 15

Positive Outcome (High Perception Check)

A high Perception check allows a party member to notice subtle details and inconsistencies in the Void Soldiers’ behavior and stories. They pick up on the small signs that indicate something is amiss.

Example of a Positive Perception Check Result:

Kyra, the rogue, has always relied on her sharp senses to stay ahead of danger. As she observes the Void Soldiers interacting with the patrons, she notices one of them subtly slipping something into a drink, and another exchanging furtive glances with Thalios.

  • Impact on the Character: Kyra’s suspicions are confirmed. She discreetly informs her companions of what she observed, urging them to be cautious and vigilant.
  • Effect on the Group: The party becomes more alert and wary of the Void Soldiers. They keep a closer watch on their surroundings and the actions of the strangers.
  • Strategic Advantage: With increased vigilance, the party is less likely to be caught off guard by any nefarious actions. They are prepared to respond quickly to any threats or suspicious behavior.

Negative Outcome (Low Perception Check)

A low Perception check means the party member fails to notice the subtle cues and inconsistencies. They remain oblivious to the Void Soldiers’ manipulations and continue to trust their words.

Example of a Negative Perception Check Result:

Lothar, the fighter, is more focused on enjoying his meal and drink than paying attention to the surroundings. He doesn’t notice the Void Soldiers’ subtle exchanges or the small vial slipped into a patron’s drink.

  • Impact on the Character: Lothar remains oblivious to any potential danger. He continues to trust the Void Soldiers and engage in their conversations without suspicion.
  • Effect on the Group: The party lacks critical information that could warn them of the Void Soldiers’ true intentions. They are less prepared for any sudden betrayal or attack.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party’s complacency makes them more vulnerable to manipulation and surprise attacks. They are less likely to respond effectively to the ambush when it occurs.

Wisdom Saving Throw

DC: 14

Positive Outcome (Successful Wisdom Saving Throw)

A successful Wisdom saving throw allows a party member to resist the emotional manipulation of the Void Soldiers. They maintain their mental fortitude and clarity of mind, unaffected by the seeds of doubt being sown.

Example of a Successful Wisdom Saving Throw:

Seraphina, the cleric, feels a wave of unease wash over her as one of the Void Soldiers shares a disturbing tale of betrayal and loss. However, she centers herself, drawing strength from her faith and the bond with her companions. She remains calm and steadfast, seeing through the manipulation.

  • Impact on the Character: Seraphina’s mental resilience strengthens her resolve. She reassures her companions and encourages them to stay united and trust one another.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s morale is bolstered by Seraphina’s unwavering faith. They draw strength from each other, reinforcing their unity and trust.
  • Strategic Advantage: With their unity intact, the party is better prepared to face any challenges together. They are less likely to fall victim to the Void Soldiers’ attempts to divide and conquer.

Negative Outcome (Failed Wisdom Saving Throw)

A failed Wisdom saving throw means the party member succumbs to the emotional manipulation. They begin to feel the effects of doubt, fear, and mistrust taking hold.

Example of a Failed Wisdom Saving Throw:

Darian, the wizard, listens intently as one of the Void Soldiers recounts a harrowing story of a mage who was betrayed by his own party. The tale hits close to home, stirring old fears and insecurities within him. He begins to question the loyalty of his companions, the doubt gnawing at his mind.

  • Impact on the Character: Darian becomes increasingly paranoid and distrustful. He starts to distance himself from the party, his behavior growing erratic and suspicious.
  • Effect on the Group: The party senses the change in Darian but struggles to understand or address it. The growing tension and mistrust create rifts within the group, weakening their cohesion.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party’s unity is compromised. With Darian’s growing paranoia, their ability to coordinate and support each other is hindered, making them more vulnerable to the Void Soldiers’ plans.

Escalating Doubt and Tension

As the evening progresses, the Void Soldiers continue their subtle manipulations. They share more stories of betrayal, doubt, and fear, each tale carefully crafted to exploit the party’s vulnerabilities. The atmosphere in the Rusty Lantern shifts, the initial cheerfulness giving way to an undercurrent of tension and unease.

Interpersonal Conflicts

The seeds of doubt sown by the Void Soldiers begin to take root, leading to interpersonal conflicts within the party. Conversations that once flowed easily now become strained, with party members questioning each other’s decisions and motivations.

Example of Interpersonal Conflict:

During a discussion about their next steps, Thorn voices his doubts about a recent decision made by Elara. The usually harmonious party finds themselves in a heated argument, their voices rising as they defend their positions. The Void Soldiers watch with concealed satisfaction, their plan unfolding as intended.

  • Impact on the Group: The argument leaves the party members feeling frustrated and disheartened. The unity and trust that once bound them together are now frayed, making them more susceptible to further manipulation.
  • Effect on the Void Soldiers: Sensing the growing discord, the Void Soldiers prepare to escalate their efforts, confident that the party’s weakened state will make them easier to defeat.

Culmination of Doubt

The Void Soldiers decide to escalate their efforts, aiming to push the party to a breaking point. They share one final, particularly insidious story designed to exploit the party’s deepest fears and insecurities.

Example of a Final Manipulative Story:

Thalios gathers the attention of the party and the remaining patrons, his tone grave and ominous. He tells a tale of a powerful artifact that drove its wielders to madness, causing them to turn on each other in a fit of paranoia and betrayal. He hints that such an artifact might be closer than they think, its influence already taking hold.

  • Impact on the Party: The story strikes a chord, amplifying the doubts and fears already seeded in their minds. The party members exchange uneasy glances, each wondering if the others are already under the artifact’s influence.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s unity is pushed to its limits. Some members may even consider leaving the group, fearing for their safety and sanity.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party is now at their most vulnerable, divided and distrustful. The stage is set for the Void Soldiers’ ambush, with the party ill-prepared to face the imminent threat.

Preparing for the Ambush

The Void Soldiers, having successfully sown discord within the party, prepare for the ambush. They coordinate their plan, ready to strike when the party is at their weakest. Their leader, Thalios, takes a moment to observe the fractured group, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

Ambush Plan:

  • Distraction: One of the Void Soldiers will create a distraction, drawing the attention of the patrons and the party.
  • Isolation: Thalios and another soldier will attempt to isolate key members of the party, exploiting the divisions created.
  • Attack: The remaining soldiers will launch a coordinated attack, aiming to quickly overwhelm and incapacitate the party members.

Scene 2 Conclusion

The spread of uncertainty and doubt within the Rusty Lantern serves as a pivotal moment in the adventure. The party’s unity and trust are tested, laying the groundwork for the dramatic ambush that will follow. The skill checks and interactions with the Void Soldiers provide opportunities for character development and plot advancement, setting the stage for the challenges to come.

The Rusty Lantern, once a place of warmth and camaraderie, now holds an undercurrent of tension and mistrust. The party, divided and unsure of their next steps, must find a way to overcome the manipulations of the Void Soldiers and restore their unity if they hope to survive the trials ahead.

Scene 3: The Ambush

Setting the Scene

The Rusty Lantern has grown quieter as the evening progresses, with most of the patrons having left or retired to their rooms. The party, still reeling from the seeds of doubt sown by the Void Soldiers, lingers in the common room. The atmosphere is tense, the earlier camaraderie now overshadowed by uncertainty and suspicion. The fire in the hearth crackles softly, casting long shadows that dance across the walls.

The Void Soldiers, having successfully spread discord among the party members, are now ready to initiate the final phase of their plan: the ambush. Unbeknownst to the party, the soldiers possess dark powers granted by the Echo Mage, making them formidable adversaries.

Ambush Setup

The Void Soldiers subtly position themselves around the common room, ready to strike. Their leader, Thalios, signals to his comrades with a barely perceptible nod. The soldiers move into position, ensuring they can isolate and overwhelm the party members swiftly.

Skill Checks for Detecting the Ambush

The party can make a series of Perception and Insight checks to detect the ambush before it begins.

  1. Perception Check – To notice the unusual positioning and behavior of the Void Soldiers.
  2. Insight Check – To sense the impending danger and the soldiers’ true intentions.

Perception Check

DC: 15

Positive Outcome (High Perception Check)

A high Perception check allows a party member to notice the Void Soldiers’ suspicious movements and readiness for combat.

Example of a Positive Perception Check Result:

Kyra, the rogue, notices Thalios subtly shifting his stance, a sure sign of someone preparing for a fight. She also spots another soldier slipping a hand towards a concealed weapon.

  • Impact on the Character: Kyra’s senses go on high alert. She subtly signals her companions to prepare for a fight.
  • Effect on the Group: The party becomes more aware of their surroundings, lessening the chances of being caught completely off guard.
  • Strategic Advantage: The party has a moment to brace themselves and draw their weapons, improving their readiness for the ambush.

Negative Outcome (Low Perception Check)

A low Perception check means the party member fails to notice the signs of an impending ambush.

Example of a Negative Perception Check Result:

Lothar, the fighter, is too engrossed in his drink and his own thoughts to notice the Void Soldiers’ suspicious movements.

  • Impact on the Character: Lothar remains unaware of the danger, leaving him vulnerable to the initial strike.
  • Effect on the Group: The party is less prepared for the ambush, increasing their chances of being overwhelmed.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The Void Soldiers gain the upper hand with a surprise attack, catching the party off guard.

Insight Check

DC: 14

Positive Outcome (High Insight Check)

A high Insight check allows a party member to sense the imminent danger and the hostile intentions of the Void Soldiers.

Example of a Positive Insight Check Result:

Seraphina, the cleric, senses a palpable tension in the room. The Void Soldiers’ earlier stories and manipulations now seem like a prelude to something more sinister.

  • Impact on the Character: Seraphina quietly alerts her companions, urging them to be ready for an attack.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s suspicions are heightened, making them more vigilant and prepared.
  • Strategic Advantage: The party can adopt defensive positions and prepare their spells and abilities, improving their chances in the ensuing battle.

Negative Outcome (Low Insight Check)

A low Insight check means the party member fails to sense the impending danger, falling prey to the Void Soldiers’ manipulations.

Example of a Negative Insight Check Result:

Darian, the wizard, dismisses his earlier unease as paranoia and continues to engage in conversation, oblivious to the imminent threat.

  • Impact on the Character: Darian is caught off guard, leaving him vulnerable to the initial onslaught.
  • Effect on the Group: The party remains unprepared for the ambush, increasing their vulnerability.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The Void Soldiers can execute their ambush with a significant advantage, likely overwhelming the party.

Initiating the Ambush

With the party either partially or completely unaware of the impending attack, the Void Soldiers make their move. Thalios gives a sharp, silent command, and the soldiers spring into action.

Combat Encounter

Void Soldier (Level 1-10)

  • HP: Varies based on party level (scaling from 30 HP at level 1 to 150 HP at level 10).
  • AC: 14 (leather armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Abilities:
    • Multiattack: The Void Soldier makes two melee attacks.
    • Shadow Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) psychic damage.
    • Shadow Step: The Void Soldier can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Void Soldier Leader (Level 1-10)

  • HP: Varies based on party level (scaling from 50 HP at level 1 to 200 HP at level 10).
  • AC: 16 (studded leather armor)
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Abilities:
    • Multiattack: Aric makes three melee attacks.
    • Void Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) psychic damage.
    • Shadow Step: Aric can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.
    • Echo Strike: Once per turn, Aric can deal an extra 10 (3d6) psychic damage to one creature he hits with a weapon attack if he has advantage on the attack roll.

Ambush Strategy:

  1. Distraction: One of the Void Soldiers creates a distraction by knocking over a table or starting a minor scuffle with another patron, drawing the party’s attention.
  2. Isolation: Thalios and another soldier quickly move to isolate key members of the party, cutting them off from their companions.
  3. Surprise Attack: The remaining soldiers launch a coordinated surprise attack, aiming to incapacitate the party members swiftly and efficiently.

Combat Initiation

The party must make Dexterity saving throws to avoid being caught completely flat-footed by the surprise attack.

Dexterity Saving Throw

DC: 14

Positive Outcome (Successful Dexterity Saving Throw)

A successful Dexterity saving throw allows a party member to react quickly, avoiding the initial onslaught and readying themselves for combat.

Example of a Successful Dexterity Saving Throw:

Thorn, the ranger, reacts swiftly as the Void Soldiers spring into action. He rolls out of his chair, drawing his weapons and preparing to defend himself.

  • Impact on the Character: Thorn is ready for combat, gaining an immediate defensive advantage.
  • Effect on the Group: Thorn’s quick reaction inspires his companions, helping them to recover more quickly from the surprise attack.
  • Strategic Advantage: The party has a better chance of withstanding the initial assault and regrouping for a counterattack.

Negative Outcome (Failed Dexterity Saving Throw)

A failed Dexterity saving throw means the party member is caught off guard, suffering the full brunt of the initial attack.

Example of a Failed Dexterity Saving Throw:

Elara, the bard, is caught off guard as a Void Soldier lunges at her, striking her with a powerful blow before she can react.

  • Impact on the Character: Elara takes significant damage and is momentarily disoriented.
  • Effect on the Group: The party is thrown into disarray, struggling to organize a cohesive defense.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The Void Soldiers capitalize on the party’s confusion, gaining a decisive upper hand in the battle.

Combat Encounter

The battle in the Rusty Lantern is fierce and chaotic. The Void Soldiers fight with ruthless efficiency, using their dark powers to overpower the party. The common room becomes a battlefield, with furniture overturned and patrons scrambling to escape.

Combat Details:

  1. Void Soldiers’ Abilities: The Void Soldiers possess dark magic and enhanced physical abilities, making them formidable opponents. They use spells to manipulate shadows, create illusions, and drain the life force of their enemies.
  2. Party’s Response: The party must use their skills and abilities to fend off the attackers. They can make use of the environment, such as overturning tables for cover or using the fireplace to create a barrier.

Key Moments in the Battle:

  1. Thalios vs. Thorn: Thalios engages Thorn in a one-on-one duel, using his shadow manipulation abilities to create illusions and disorient the ranger.
    • Positive Outcome (High Attack Roll): Thorn lands a critical hit, temporarily dispelling Thalios’ illusions and gaining a momentary advantage.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Attack Roll): Thorn’s attacks miss, allowing Thalios to maintain his illusions and press the attack.
  2. Kyra’s Stealth Maneuver: Kyra attempts to sneak around the battlefield, aiming to take out one of the Void Soldiers with a surprise attack.
    • Positive Outcome (High Stealth Check): Kyra successfully sneaks up on the soldier and delivers a devastating sneak attack, significantly weakening him.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Stealth Check): Kyra is spotted, and the soldier counterattacks, dealing significant damage to her.
  3. Seraphina’s Healing: Seraphina uses her healing abilities to keep her companions in the fight, casting spells to mend their wounds and restore their vitality.
    • Positive Outcome (High Spellcasting Roll): Seraphina’s healing spells are highly effective, keeping the party members in fighting condition.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Spellcasting Roll): Seraphina’s spells falter, and her companions’ injuries remain severe, weakening their combat effectiveness.
  4. Darian’s Arcane Barrage: Darian unleashes a powerful arcane barrage, targeting multiple Void Soldiers with a series of destructive spells.
    • Positive Outcome (High Spell Attack Roll): Darian’s spells hit their marks, dealing massive damage to the Void Soldiers and turning the tide of battle.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Spell Attack Roll): Darian’s spells miss or are countered, leaving the Void Soldiers relatively unscathed.
  5. Lothar’s Defense: Lothar takes a defensive stance, using his shield to protect his companions and draw the Void Soldiers’ attacks away from the more vulnerable party members.
    • Positive Outcome (High Defense Roll): Lothar successfully deflects the Void Soldiers’ attacks, buying his companions valuable time to regroup and counterattack.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Defense Roll): Lothar’s defenses falter, and he is overwhelmed by the relentless assault, taking heavy damage.

The Turning Point

Despite their valiant efforts, the party is gradually overwhelmed by the Void Soldiers’ relentless assault. The soldiers’ dark powers and coordinated tactics prove too much for the party to handle.

Key Events Leading to the Total Party Kill:

  1. Thalios’ Dark Ritual: Thalios begins a dark ritual, channeling the power of the Echoplex to enhance his strength and abilities. The room grows colder, and shadows deepen as the ritual progresses.
    • Positive Outcome (High Arcana Check): Darian recognizes the nature of the ritual and attempts to disrupt it with a counterspell or a well-placed attack.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Arcana Check): The party fails to recognize the ritual’s significance in time, allowing Thalios to complete it and gain a significant power boost.
  2. Emotional Torment: The Void Soldiers use their powers to project the emotional torrents of the Void, overwhelming the party with waves of fear, despair, and confusion.
    • Positive Outcome (High Wisdom Saving Throw): The party members resist the emotional onslaught, maintaining their focus and determination.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Wisdom Saving Throw): The party members are overcome by the emotional torrents, leaving them vulnerable and disoriented.
  3. Final Stand: The party makes a desperate final stand, rallying together in a last-ditch effort to defeat the Void Soldiers and protect each other.
    • Positive Outcome (High Attack Rolls): The party’s combined efforts deal significant damage to the Void Soldiers, but the victory is hard-won and comes at a great cost.
    • Negative Outcome (Low Attack Rolls): The party’s attacks falter, and they are gradually overwhelmed by the Void Soldiers’ superior strength and tactics.

The Fall

One by one, the party members fall in battle, each succumbing to the Void Soldiers’ relentless assault. The Rusty Lantern’s common room, once filled with warmth and camaraderie, is now a scene of chaos and devastation.

Key Moments in the Party’s Defeat:

  1. Thorn’s Last Stand: Thorn, badly wounded but determined to protect his friends, makes a final stand against Thalios. Despite his best efforts, he is ultimately struck down by the Void Soldier’s dark magic.
    • Impact on the Group: Thorn’s fall leaves the party without their primary ranged attacker, significantly weakening their combat effectiveness.
  2. Kyra’s Desperation: Kyra attempts to escape the battlefield to regroup and plan a counterattack, but she is caught by one of the Void Soldiers and brought down.
    • Impact on the Group: Kyra’s fall deprives the party of their stealth and agility, leaving them more vulnerable to the Void Soldiers’ attacks.
  3. Seraphina’s Sacrifice: Seraphina uses the last of her healing magic to try and save her companions, but she is overwhelmed by the Void Soldiers’ relentless assault.
    • Impact on the Group: Seraphina’s fall leaves the party without their healer, significantly reducing their ability to sustain themselves in battle.
  4. Darian’s Final Spell: Darian channels all his remaining arcane energy into a powerful spell, hoping to turn the tide of battle. The spell is impressive, but it is not enough to overcome the Void Soldiers.
    • Impact on the Group: Darian’s fall leaves the party without their primary source of magical damage, further diminishing their combat effectiveness.
  5. Lothar’s Defense: Lothar, the last to fall, fights valiantly to protect his fallen comrades, but he is ultimately overwhelmed by the Void Soldiers’ superior numbers and dark powers.
    • Impact on the Group: Lothar’s fall marks the end of the battle, leaving the party defeated and the Rusty Lantern in ruins.

Entry into the Void

As the last party member falls, the world around them begins to fade. The Rusty Lantern’s common room dissolves into darkness, and the party members find themselves suspended in a void of swirling shadows and echoes.

Key Aspects of the Transition:

  1. Emotional Torrents: The party is buffeted by waves of intense emotions – fear, despair, anger, and confusion – as they are pulled into the Void.
  2. Disorientation: The party members experience a sense of disorientation and weightlessness, as if they are being drawn into an entirely different realm.
  3. Echoes of Reality: The sounds of the Rusty Lantern – the crackling fire, the clinking of glasses, and the murmurs of conversation – echo faintly around them, gradually fading into the distance.

Arrival in the Void:

The party awakens in a strange and alien landscape, completely different from the world they knew. The Void is a place of shifting shadows, emotional torrents, and surreal, dreamlike vistas.

Key Features of the Void:

  1. Emotional Weather: The Void is characterized by emotional torrents that replace conventional weather patterns. Storms of fear, rain of despair, and winds of anger sweep across the landscape.
  2. Shifting Terrain: The terrain of the Void is constantly changing, with landscapes that morph and shift based on the emotions and thoughts of those within it.
  3. Echoes of the Past: The Void is populated by echoes – fragments of memories and emotions from the real world, trapped and distorted by the power of the Echoplex.

Conclusion of Scene 3:

The ambush at the Rusty Lantern and the party’s entry into the Void mark a significant turning point in the adventure. The party, now separated and disoriented, must find a way to navigate this strange new realm and uncover the truth about the Echoplex and the Echo Mage. The challenges they face in the Void will test their resilience, unity, and resolve, setting the stage for the epic journey ahead.

stence is mutable and unpredictable. The landscape is constantly shifting, making it difficult to discern what is solid and what is merely an illusion.

Shifting Colors and Distorted Shapes

The first thing the party notices is the colors. Unlike the vibrant hues of their world, the colors here are both muted and intensely vivid, as if the spectrum has been twisted and expanded. The sky—or what passes for a sky in the Void—is a swirling mass of iridescent colors, shifting from deep purples and blues to sickly greens and yellows. It seems alive, pulsating and throbbing like a living organism.

The ground beneath their feet is equally disconcerting. It changes texture and composition with each step. One moment it feels like solid stone, the next it is as soft as sand, and then it becomes a slick, viscous substance that clings to their boots. The terrain is dotted with strange, distorted shapes—trees with twisted branches that writhe like serpents, rocks that float and spin in mid-air, and pools of liquid that ripple with unnatural light.

Descriptions of the Void’s Features:

  1. The Sky: The sky in the Void is a mesmerizing and terrifying sight. It is a constant swirl of colors, with no clear source of light or darkness. At times, it appears to be a vast, living entity, breathing and pulsating with a rhythm that is both alien and familiar.
  2. The Ground: The ground is a patchwork of different textures and materials. It shifts and changes underfoot, making it difficult to find stable footing. It can be solid rock one moment, and then a quagmire of sticky, gelatinous substance the next.
  3. The Trees: The trees are twisted and gnarled, their branches moving of their own accord. They seem to reach out towards the party, as if seeking to ensnare them in their grasp. The bark is rough and dark, with veins of pulsating light running through it.
  4. The Rocks: Rocks float and spin in the air, defying the laws of gravity. They are often jagged and sharp, their surfaces covered in strange, glowing runes. Touching them can induce a sense of vertigo or disorientation.
  5. The Pools: Pools of liquid are scattered across the landscape. They are of various colors, some clear and others opaque. The liquids ripple and shimmer, reflecting the chaotic colors of the sky. They emit a faint, haunting melody that seems to tug at the party’s emotions.

Emotional Torrents

In the Void, the weather is not dictated by the natural elements but by torrents of raw emotion. These emotional torrents sweep across the landscape, affecting everything they touch. They manifest as waves of intense feelings—fear, despair, anger, joy—that can physically and psychologically overwhelm the party.

Fear Torrents: These torrents bring a chilling wind that howls through the landscape. They induce a deep, primal fear, causing hallucinations of the party’s deepest fears. Shadows lengthen and twist, and unseen eyes seem to watch from every corner.

Despair Torrents: These torrents are like a heavy, oppressive fog that rolls in, bringing with it a sense of hopelessness and sorrow. The landscape darkens, colors draining away to leave everything in shades of gray. The party feels an overwhelming sense of loss and grief, as if all hope has been extinguished.

Anger Torrents: These torrents are like a raging storm, with flashes of crimson lightning and gusts of scorching wind. They induce a blinding fury, making the party members feel as if their blood is boiling. Rational thought is drowned out by a need for violence and destruction.

Joy Torrents: These torrents are rare but equally disorienting. They bring a bright, blinding light and a sense of euphoria. The landscape becomes surreal and dreamlike, with vibrant colors and exaggerated shapes. The party feels an intense, almost manic happiness, but it is fleeting and leaves them feeling drained and empty.

Physical and Psychological Impact of Emotional Torrents

Physical Effects:

  1. Fear Torrents: The party members’ heart rates spike, and they experience cold sweats. Their muscles tense, and they may find it difficult to move or react as quickly as usual. The hallucinations can cause them to lash out at shadows or retreat in panic.
  2. Despair Torrents: The party members feel a crushing weight on their chests, making it difficult to breathe. Their movements become sluggish, and they may feel physically weaker. The overwhelming sense of loss can cause them to collapse or curl up in despair.
  3. Anger Torrents: The party members’ blood pressure rises, and they feel a burning heat coursing through their veins. Their vision may become tinged with red, and they may find it difficult to control their actions. The fury can cause them to attack indiscriminately, even turning on each other.
  4. Joy Torrents: The party members feel a rush of energy and exhilaration, their senses heightened to an almost painful degree. Their movements become erratic and uncontrolled, and they may find it difficult to focus on anything. The euphoria can cause them to take reckless actions, endangering themselves and others.

Psychological Effects:

  1. Fear Torrents: The party members experience intense paranoia and anxiety. They may start to mistrust each other, seeing threats where there are none. The hallucinations can cause them to question their own sanity.
  2. Despair Torrents: The party members feel a profound sense of hopelessness and worthlessness. They may lose the will to continue, questioning the purpose of their journey. The despair can cause them to become apathetic and unresponsive.
  3. Anger Torrents: The party members experience uncontrollable rage and frustration. They may lash out at each other, exacerbating any existing tensions. The anger can cause them to make irrational decisions, driven by their fury.
  4. Joy Torrents: The party members feel an overwhelming sense of joy and pleasure, but it is hollow and fleeting. They may become overly optimistic and reckless, underestimating the dangers of the Void. The euphoria can cause them to lose sight of their goals and priorities.

Skill Checks for Emotional Torrents

To navigate the emotional torrents, the party members must make a series of Wisdom and Constitution saving throws.

Wisdom Saving Throw

DC: 15

Positive Outcome (Successful Wisdom Saving Throw)

A successful Wisdom saving throw allows a party member to maintain their composure and resist the psychological effects of the emotional torrents.

Example of a Successful Wisdom Saving Throw:

Seraphina, the cleric, closes her eyes and recites a calming mantra, focusing her mind and resisting the waves of despair that threaten to overwhelm her.

  • Impact on the Character: Seraphina remains calm and focused, able to think clearly and support her companions.
  • Effect on the Group: Seraphina’s resilience inspires her companions, helping them to resist the psychological effects of the torrents.
  • Strategic Advantage: The party is better able to navigate the emotional torrents and continue their journey.

Negative Outcome (Failed Wisdom Saving Throw)

A failed Wisdom saving throw means the party member succumbs to the psychological effects of the emotional torrents.

Example of a Failed Wisdom Saving Throw:

Darian, the wizard, is unable to resist the waves of fear. He becomes paranoid, seeing enemies in every shadow and mistrusting his companions.

  • Impact on the Character: Darian’s paranoia makes him irrational and unpredictable, hindering his ability to contribute effectively to the group.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s cohesion is weakened, as Darian’s mistrust and erratic behavior cause tension and confusion.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party struggles to navigate the emotional torrents, making progress more difficult and dangerous.

Constitution Saving Throw

DC: 14

Positive Outcome (Successful Constitution Saving Throw)

A successful Constitution saving throw allows a party member to endure the physical effects of the emotional torrents.

Example of a Successful Constitution Saving Throw:

Lothar, the fighter, grits his teeth and pushes through the pain of the anger torrent, using his physical resilience to stay on his feet.

  • Impact on the Character: Lothar’s physical endurance allows him to continue fighting and protecting his companions.
  • Effect on the Group: Lothar’s strength and determination bolster the party’s morale, helping them to withstand the physical effects of the torrents.
  • Strategic Advantage: The party is better able to withstand the physical onslaught of the emotional torrents, maintaining their strength and vitality.

Negative Outcome (Failed Constitution Saving Throw)

A failed Constitution saving throw means the party member succumbs to the physical effects of the emotional torrents.

Example of a Failed Constitution Saving Throw:

Kyra, the rogue, collapses under the weight of the despair torrent, her body too weak to continue.

  • Impact on the Character: Kyra’s physical collapse leaves her vulnerable and unable to contribute to the group’s efforts.
  • Effect on the Group: The party’s physical strength is diminished, making it more difficult to navigate the hostile environment of the Void.
  • Strategic Disadvantage: The party struggles to maintain their physical strength and endurance, making progress more challenging and dangerous.

fraught with both physical and emotional challenges, highlighting their individual struggles and the moments of relief and camaraderie as they come back together.

Individual Struggles

  1. Seraphina the Cleric

Seraphina’s journey through the Void is marked by her battle with the fear torrents. Each step she takes is haunted by hallucinations of her past failures and the faces of those she could not save. The shadows twist into monstrous shapes, whispering her name. She clutches her holy symbol tightly, her faith the only anchor in this sea of fear.

  • Fear Torrent Encounter:
    • Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 15):
      • Success: Seraphina’s faith holds strong. She mutters prayers to her deity, each word a shield against the encroaching darkness. Her mind clears, allowing her to push through the fear and continue her search for her friends.
      • Failure: The whispers grow louder, the shadows more menacing. Seraphina’s steps falter, her confidence shaken. She begins to doubt herself, every corner hiding a new terror. Progress is slow, her path erratic as she tries to escape the phantoms that haunt her.
  1. Darian the Wizard

Darian is enveloped by despair torrents, a heavy fog that saps his will and magic. His thoughts turn to the futility of their quest and the immense power of the Echo Mage. Each spell he tries to cast fizzles out, reflecting his waning confidence.

  • Despair Torrent Encounter:
    • Constitution Saving Throw (DC 14):
      • Success: Darian recalls his training and the wise words of his mentor. He channels his inner strength, forcing himself to keep moving despite the oppressive weight. His resolve hardens, and he starts to see a way through the fog.
      • Failure: The fog closes in, and Darian drops to his knees, overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness. His hands shake, unable to perform even the simplest cantrip. Tears mix with the mist, and he wonders if they will ever escape this place.
  1. Lothar the Fighter
  • Anger Torrent Encounter:
    • Strength Saving Throw (DC 16):
      • Success: Lothar uses his battle training to control his rage. He directs Lothar’s path is beset by anger torrents, each step igniting a deeper fury within him. The ground cracks under his feet, and the sky roars in response to his rage. He must harness this anger, turning it into a weapon rather than letting it consume him. his anger towards breaking through obstacles and forging ahead. His roars of fury become battle cries, and his strength becomes a beacon for his friends.
      • Failure: The rage blinds him. He strikes at phantoms and shouts at the air, wasting energy and time. His aggressive outbursts alienate him from potential allies and lead him into danger, making his journey more perilous.
  1. Kyra the Rogue

Kyra’s journey is altered by rare joy torrents, which bring a manic euphoria that distorts her perception. The landscape becomes a carnival of colors and sounds, making it hard to focus on finding her companions.

  • Joy Torrent Encounter:
    • Charisma Saving Throw (DC 13):
      • Success: Kyra channels the euphoria into a focused energy. She moves with agility and grace, her senses sharp and attuned to any sign of her friends. The joy becomes a guiding light, leading her safely through the chaos.
      • Failure: The euphoria leads to reckless behavior. Kyra dances through the landscape, heedless of danger. She takes unnecessary risks, laughing off close calls and losing track of her path. Her journey becomes a chaotic dance rather than a determined search.

Moments of Relief and Camaraderie

Despite the overwhelming challenges, the moments of reunion provide profound relief and strengthen the bond between the party members.

  1. Seraphina and Darian

Seraphina stumbles upon Darian in the midst of a despair torrent. She kneels beside him, her presence a calming influence. With gentle words and healing light, she helps him to his feet. Their shared faith and mutual support rekindle their spirits, and together, they face the Void with renewed resolve.

  • Interaction:
    • Seraphina’s healing spells not only mend physical wounds but also bolster Darian’s spirit.
    • Darian, in turn, provides strategic guidance, using his knowledge to navigate the twisting paths.
  1. Lothar and Kyra

Lothar’s roars of fury attract Kyra’s attention during a joy torrent. She approaches cautiously, her joyful energy a stark contrast to his rage. With playful teasing and lighthearted banter, she helps Lothar channel his anger constructively. Their contrasting emotions balance each other, creating a synergy that propels them forward.

  • Interaction:
    • Kyra’s agility and lightness of spirit help Lothar avoid traps and pitfalls.
    • Lothar’s strength and protective nature provide Kyra with a sense of safety and stability.
  1. The Full Reunion

The two groups finally come together at the edge of a bizarre, glowing forest. The emotional torrents clash and merge, creating a chaotic yet beautiful display of colors and sensations. The reunion is marked by embraces, relieved laughter, and shared stories of their ordeals.

  • Interaction:
    • The party members exchange vital information about the Void’s dangers and their own experiences.
    • They form a circle, drawing on each other’s strength and resilience to form a plan for their next steps.

Shared Goals and Renewed Purpose

The reunion brings a renewed sense of purpose and solidarity. The party members reaffirm their commitment to their quest and vow to overcome the challenges of the Void together.

  1. Strategic Planning

With their combined knowledge and skills, the party formulates a plan to navigate the Void and confront the Echo Mage. They allocate roles based on their strengths, ensuring that each member can contribute effectively.

  • Example Roles:
    • Seraphina provides healing and emotional support.
    • Darian uses his magical abilities for reconnaissance and defense.
    • Lothar leads the group through physical obstacles and combats threats.
    • Kyra scouts ahead, using her agility and stealth to gather information.
  1. Emotional and Physical Support

The party members support each other through the ongoing emotional torrents. They take turns keeping watch, ensuring that no one succumbs to the Void’s effects alone. Their shared experiences and mutual trust create a strong bond that fortifies them against the Void’s assaults.

  • Example of Support:
    • During a fear torrent, Seraphina leads a group prayer to calm their nerves.
    • In the midst of an anger torrent, Lothar organizes a controlled sparring session to channel their rage.
  1. Celebration and Reflection

After overcoming a particularly challenging section of the Void, the party takes a moment to celebrate their survival and progress. They share stories of their individual struggles and victories, reflecting on how far they have come.

  • Celebratory Actions:
    • Darian conjures a small, magical light show to lift their spirits.
    • Kyra shares some rations she had hidden, turning the meal into a small feast.


The journey through the Void is a test of the party’s physical and emotional resilience. The surreal landscape and emotional torrents create a hostile and disorienting environment, but the party’s determination, camaraderie, and shared goals enable them to navigate these challenges. The reunion is a pivotal moment, strengthening their bonds and renewing their purpose. As they prepare to face the Echo Mage, they do so with a deeper understanding of their own strengths and the unbreakable bond that unites them. The Void has tested them, but it has also forged them into a stronger, more cohesive unit, ready to restore balance to their world.

Scene 5: The Revelation

Ancient Ruins

The journey through the Void leads the party to the remnants of an ancient civilization, a testament to a time long forgotten. The ruins are a stark contrast to the chaotic landscape, offering a semblance of structure and history amidst the disarray. The architecture is grand yet eroded, with towering columns, broken archways, and crumbling walls that hint at a once-magnificent city.

Visual and Sensory Descriptions:

  • The Columns: Massive stone columns, covered in intricate carvings and glowing runes, rise from the ground. The carvings depict scenes of a prosperous society, with images of scholars, warriors, and mages working in harmony. The runes pulse faintly, a sign of the lingering magic that once powered this civilization.
  • The Archways: The archways are adorned with symbols and scripts in an ancient language. Some have collapsed, leaving only fragments, while others still stand, leading deeper into the ruins. Vines and strange flora have intertwined with the stone, giving the place an eerie, overgrown appearance.
  • The Courtyard: The heart of the ruins is a vast courtyard, partially covered in mosaics depicting the rise and fall of this ancient civilization. The tiles shimmer with a strange light, and the air is filled with a faint hum, like the echoes of voices from the past.
  • The Statues: Statues of prominent figures are scattered throughout the ruins, their faces worn but still exuding a sense of wisdom and authority. Some hold artifacts, including a few that resemble the Echoplex, providing clues about its significance.

Skill Checks:

  • Investigation (DC 15): To uncover hidden passages and decipher the runes.
    • Success: The party discovers a hidden library filled with ancient texts and records that provide more context about the civilization and the Echoplex.
    • Failure: The party misses crucial clues, making it harder to piece together the full story.
  • Arcana (DC 14): To understand the lingering magical energies and the runes’ significance.
    • Success: The party identifies the runes as protective spells and learns how the civilization used the Echoplex to manipulate reality.
    • Failure: The party misinterprets the runes, leading to confusion about the Echoplex’s true purpose.

Eryndor’s Story

As the party explores the ruins, they encounter various methods through which Eryndor’s story is revealed. These include visions, recorded memories, and encounters with trapped spirits.


The party experiences sudden, vivid visions that transport them to key moments in Eryndor’s life. These visions are triggered by touching certain artifacts or stepping into specific areas within the ruins.

  1. The Scholar: Eryndor is seen as a young, ambitious scholar, deeply immersed in his studies. His brilliance is evident, and he is admired by his peers and mentors.
  2. The Discovery: Eryndor discovers the Echoplex, an ancient artifact with the power to manipulate reality. He presents it to the council, believing it to be the key to unlocking untold potential for their civilization.
  3. The Obsession: Eryndor becomes increasingly obsessed with the Echoplex, using it to conduct dangerous experiments. His appearance becomes more disheveled, and his eyes gleam with a dangerous intensity.
  4. The Corruption: The power of the Echoplex begins to corrupt Eryndor. He becomes paranoid and distrustful, isolating himself from others. The visions show him using the Echoplex to bend reality to his will, with disastrous consequences.

Recorded Memories:

In the hidden library, the party finds crystalline spheres that contain recorded memories. When touched, these spheres project scenes from Eryndor’s life.

  • The Council’s Warning: The council warns Eryndor about the dangers of the Echoplex, urging him to cease his experiments. Eryndor dismisses their concerns, convinced of his ability to control the artifact.
  • The Betrayal: Eryndor’s closest friend confronts him, pleading for him to stop before it’s too late. Feeling betrayed, Eryndor uses the Echoplex to erase his friend’s memory, a pivotal moment in his descent into darkness.
  • The Isolation: Eryndor retreats to the Void, using the Echoplex to create his own realm where he can continue his experiments without interference. His transformation into the Echo Mage is complete, driven by his need for power and control.

Encounters with Trapped Spirits:

The ruins are inhabited by spirits of those who once lived in the ancient civilization. These spirits are trapped, bound by the residual magic of the Echoplex.

  • The Guardian: A spirit of a warrior who once protected the city. He reveals the early days of Eryndor’s brilliance and the initial promise of the Echoplex.
  • The Scholar: A spirit of a fellow scholar who witnessed Eryndor’s transformation. She speaks of the hope and fear the Echoplex brought to their people.
  • The Betrayed Friend: The spirit of Eryndor’s friend, now a tormented shade. He shares his sorrow and regret, revealing the moment of his betrayal and the impact it had on Eryndor’s soul.

Skill Checks:

  • Insight (DC 13): To understand the emotions and motivations of the spirits.
    • Success: The party gains a deeper understanding of Eryndor’s descent and the impact of his actions on those around him.
    • Failure: The party struggles to connect with the spirits, missing crucial emotional context.
  • Persuasion (DC 15): To convince the spirits to share their knowledge and guide the party.
    • Success: The spirits reveal hidden knowledge and offer guidance on how to confront the Echo Mage.
    • Failure: The spirits remain reticent, leaving the party to piece together the story on their own.


The party pieces together the full story of Eryndor’s transformation and the true nature of the Echoplex. They realize that Eryndor, now the Echo Mage, seeks to use the Echoplex to reshape reality entirely to his will, with no regard for the consequences.

The Party’s Realization:

  • Eryndor’s Plan: The party understands that Eryndor’s ultimate goal is to merge the Void with their world, creating a new reality where he holds absolute power. This would result in the destruction of both realms and the subjugation of all beings to his twisted vision.
  • The Echoplex’s Power: They learn that the Echoplex is both the key to Eryndor’s power and his vulnerability. By severing his connection to the artifact, they can strip him of his abilities and restore balance to the Void.

Determination and Strategy:

The party resolves to stop Eryndor, understanding the gravity of their mission. They devise a multi-pronged strategy to confront the Echo Mage and dismantle his plans.


  1. Infiltration: Using Kyra’s stealth skills, the party plans to infiltrate Eryndor’s stronghold undetected. They will gather intelligence and identify the location of the Echoplex.
    • Stealth Check (DC 16): To move through the stronghold without alerting Eryndor’s minions.
      • Success: The party remains undetected, gathering crucial information and positioning themselves advantageously.
      • Failure: They are discovered, forcing a premature confrontation with Eryndor’s forces.
  2. Disruption: Darian and Seraphina will work together to disrupt the magical energies that sustain the stronghold and protect the Echoplex.
    • Arcana Check (DC 15): To identify and dismantle the magical defenses.
      • Success: They weaken Eryndor’s defenses, making it easier to reach the Echoplex.
      • Failure: Their efforts backfire, triggering defensive mechanisms that complicate their mission.
  3. Confrontation: Lothar will lead the charge against Eryndor, using his strength and combat skills to draw the Echo Mage’s attention and create openings for the rest of the party.
    • Athletics Check (DC 14): To engage Eryndor and create opportunities for his companions.
      • Success: Lothar effectively distracts Eryndor, allowing the others to focus on the Echoplex.
      • Failure: Lothar is overpowered, and Eryndor’s focus remains unbroken, intensifying the challenge.

Skill Checks and Their Impact:

  • Stealth (Kyra)
    • DC 16
      • Success: The party gains critical intel and positions themselves strategically.
      • Failure: They are discovered, leading to an immediate battle.
  • Arcana (Darian and Seraphina)
    • DC 15
      • Success: Magical defenses are weakened, easing their path.
      • Failure: Triggers defensive traps, complicating their mission.
  • Athletics (Lothar)
    • DC 14
      • Success: Distracts Eryndor, allowing others to target the Echoplex.
      • Failure: Lothar is overpowered, increasing difficulty.

The Final Confrontation:

The climax of the one-shot is an epic battle against Eryndor in the heart of his stronghold. The environment is a twisted reflection of his madness, with reality bending and warping around them.

Battle Scene:

  • Environment: The stronghold’s walls shift and pulse with the Echo Mage’s power. Shadows twist into grotesque forms, and the air crackles with unstable magic.
  • Eryndor’s Abilities: The Echo Mage wields the Echoplex’s power to manipulate reality, creating illusions, altering terrain, and summoning powerful constructs.
  • Party’s Tactics: The party must use their skills and strategies to disrupt Eryndor’s connection to the Echoplex and survive his relentless attacks.

Key Moments:

  • Distraction: Lothar engages Eryndor in direct combat, using his strength to withstand the Echo Mage’s onslaught and create openings for his companions.
  • Disruption: Darian and Seraphina work to counter Eryndor’s magic, dispelling illusions and weakening his constructs.
  • Infiltration: Kyra uses her agility to navigate the shifting terrain, aiming to reach and disable the Echoplex.

Final Skill Checks:

  • Strength (Lothar)
    • DC 18: To hold his ground against Eryndor’s attacks.
      • Success: Lothar successfully distracts Eryndor, providing critical openings.
      • Failure: Lothar is pushed back, putting the party at risk.
  • Arcana (Darian and Seraphina)
    • DC 17: To counter Eryndor’s spells and disrupt his connection to the Echoplex.
      • Success: They weaken Eryndor’s hold on the artifact, diminishing his power.
      • Failure: Eryndor’s magic overwhelms them, intensifying the battle.
  • Dexterity (Kyra)
    • DC 19: To reach and disable the Echoplex amidst the chaos.
      • Success: Kyra successfully reaches the Echoplex, severing Eryndor’s connection.
      • Failure: She is thwarted by Eryndor’s defenses, prolonging the battle.

Epic Conclusion:

The battle reaches its climax as Kyra finally reaches the Echoplex. With a precise strike, she severs Eryndor’s connection to the artifact. The stronghold begins to collapse, and the Echo Mage’s power wanes. In a final, desperate act, Eryndor unleashes a torrent of magic, but the party, united and resolute, stands firm.

Victory and Aftermath:

  • Eryndor’s Defeat: With the Echoplex disabled, Eryndor is stripped of his power. He collapses, a broken remnant of his former self.
  • Restoring Balance: The party uses the Echoplex to stabilize the Void, undoing the damage caused by Eryndor’s experiments.
  • Return to the World: As the stronghold crumbles, the party makes their escape, returning to their world with the knowledge and determination to prevent such a catastrophe from ever occurring again.