3. The Shadow War

Summary: The defeat of Eryndor has left a power vacuum in the Void. Rival factions and powerful beings vie for control, threatening to plunge both the Void and the material world into chaos.

Title: The Shadow War
Level: Suitable for characters of levels 12-14
Setting: The kingdom of Aridorn and the surrounding regions, including shadow-infested areas and ancient battlegrounds
Synopsis: Following the defeat of the Echo Mage, the kingdom of Aridorn faces a new threat: a war waged by shadows and their enigmatic masters. The party must uncover the source of these shadows, rally allies, and confront the shadowlords in a final battle to save the kingdom.

Part 1: Rising Shadows


The adventure begins with the party returning to Aridorn, only to find the kingdom in turmoil. Reports of shadowy figures attacking villages and whispers of a coming war are spreading. The party is summoned by King Alaric to investigate these disturbances and put an end to the threat.

Scene 1: Shadows in the Village

Description: The party arrives at a village that has recently been attacked by shadow creatures. The once peaceful village is now in ruins, with terrified villagers hiding in their homes.


  • Shadow Creatures: Shadow (MM), Shadow Mastiff (VGtM), and Shadow Demon (MM). These creatures attack the party and any remaining villagers.
  • Skill Challenges: Perception (DC 18) to spot hiding shadows, Investigation (DC 16) to find clues about the attackers, and Medicine (DC 14) to tend to wounded villagers.

Narrative Hook: The villagers speak of a shadowy figure leading the attacks and mention sightings of shadow creatures near an old ruin in the forest.

Scene 2: The Haunted Forest

Description: The party ventures into a dark, twisted forest known for its haunted reputation. The trees seem to whisper, and shadows move unnaturally among the underbrush.


  • Forest Dangers: Swarms of Bats (MM), Will-o’-Wisps (MM), and Assassin Vines (TftYP) create hazards for the party.
  • Skill Challenges: Nature (DC 18) to navigate the forest, Stealth (DC 16) to avoid attracting more shadows, and Arcana (DC 20) to identify the source of the shadow magic.

Narrative Hook: The party discovers an ancient ruin within the forest, marked by symbols of shadow magic and guarded by more shadow creatures.

Scene 3: The Ancient Ruin

Description: The party explores the ancient ruin, a crumbling structure filled with dark energy. They find evidence of rituals performed to summon shadow creatures.


  • Shadow Guardians: Wraiths (MM), Specters (MM), and Shadow Hounds (custom creature) protect the ruin.
  • Skill Challenges: History (DC 18) to understand the significance of the ruins, Investigation (DC 20) to find hidden passages, and Religion (DC 16) to recognize the rituals performed here.

Narrative Hook: The party finds a map and a series of journal entries written by a cultist, revealing plans for a shadow war and mentioning a powerful artifact known as the Shadow Orb.

Part 2: Rallying Allies

Scene 4: Return to Aridorn

Description: The party returns to Aridorn with the information they have gathered. King Alaric calls a council of leaders from neighboring regions to discuss the shadow threat.


  • Political Intrigue: The council is filled with tension as leaders debate the best course of action. The party must navigate these politics to gain the support they need.
  • Skill Challenges: Persuasion (DC 20) to convince skeptical leaders, Insight (DC 18) to understand hidden motives, and History (DC 16) to reference past alliances and conflicts.

Narrative Hook: The council agrees to aid the party but insists on first dealing with a shadow-infested fort that serves as a strategic point for the shadowlords.

Scene 5: The Shadow-Infested Fort

Description: The party leads an assault on the fort, a once-strong defensive position now overrun by shadows. They must clear the fort and secure it for their allies.


  • Fort Defenders: Shadow (MM), Shadow Mastiff (VGtM), and Shadow Demon (MM) defending the fort.
  • Skill Challenges: Athletics (DC 18) to scale walls, Stealth (DC 16) to infiltrate, and Arcana (DC 20) to disable shadow wards.

Narrative Hook: Inside the fort, the party finds correspondence between the shadowlords, revealing their plans to use the Shadow Orb to plunge the world into eternal darkness.

Scene 6: Seeking the Shadow Orb

Description: With the fort secured, the party learns that the Shadow Orb is hidden in an ancient underground temple. They must journey through treacherous terrain to reach it.


  • Journey Hazards: Dangerous terrain, including collapsing bridges, landslides, and shadow-infested areas.
  • Skill Challenges: Survival (DC 18) to navigate, Perception (DC 16) to spot dangers, and Endurance (DC 20) to overcome exhaustion.

Narrative Hook: The party arrives at the entrance of the underground temple, ready to retrieve the Shadow Orb and confront the shadowlords.

Part 3: The Underground Temple

Scene 7: Entering the Temple

Description: The underground temple is a maze of dark tunnels and chambers filled with ancient traps and shadow guardians. The air is thick with dark magic.


  • Temple Guardians: Shadow (MM), Shadow Mastiff (VGtM), and Shadow Demon (MM) patrolling the temple.
  • Skill Challenges: Thieves’ Tools (DC 20) to disarm traps, Arcana (DC 18) to counter magical wards, and Athletics (DC 16) to navigate narrow passages.

Narrative Hook: The party discovers a series of murals depicting the history of the Shadow Orb and its creation by an ancient civilization to control shadows.

Scene 8: The Shadow Altar

Description: Deep within the temple, the party finds the Shadow Altar, a dark shrine where the Shadow Orb is kept. The altar is protected by powerful magic and formidable guardians.


  • Altar Guardians: Shadow Hounds (custom creature), Shadow Elementals (custom creature), and a Shadowlord (custom boss).
  • Skill Challenges: Religion (DC 20) to perform a ritual to weaken the guardians, Arcana (DC 18) to disrupt the altar’s magic, and Strength (DC 22) to break through the protective barriers.

Narrative Hook: The party retrieves the Shadow Orb and learns that the shadowlords are gathering their forces for a final assault on Aridorn. They must return to the kingdom and prepare for the coming battle.

Part 4: The Final Battle

Scene 9: Preparing for War

Description: The party returns to Aridorn with the Shadow Orb. They must rally their allies, prepare defenses, and make strategic plans for the final battle against the shadowlords.


  • War Preparations: Training troops, setting up defenses, and scouting enemy positions.
  • Skill Challenges: Leadership (DC 20) to inspire troops, Tactics (DC 18) to plan defenses, and Persuasion (DC 16) to secure additional reinforcements.

Narrative Hook: The party learns of a shadow army marching towards Aridorn. They must lead their forces in a decisive battle to protect the kingdom.

Scene 10: The Battle of Aridorn

Description: The final battle takes place outside the walls of Aridorn. The party leads the defense, facing waves of shadow creatures and their shadowlord commanders.


  • Shadow Army: Waves of Shadows (MM), Shadow Mastiffs (VGtM), and Shadow Demons (MM), culminating in battles against multiple Shadowlords (custom bosses).
  • Skill Challenges: Strategy (DC 20) to direct troops, Perception (DC 18) to spot key threats, and Endurance (DC 16) to sustain the fight.

Narrative Hook: The battle reaches a climax as the main shadowlord, a powerful shadow mage, reveals himself. The party must confront and defeat him to end the war.

Scene 11: Confrontation with the Shadowlord

Description: The party faces the main shadowlord in a final showdown. This battle determines the fate of Aridorn and the outcome of the Shadow War.

Encounter: Final battle with the main shadowlord, a powerful shadow mage with unique abilities. Use a high-level spellcaster stat block (such as a modified Lich or custom shadow mage) with legendary actions and shadow-themed spells.

Battle Tactics: The shadowlord uses illusions, necromantic magic, and the power of the Shadow Orb to manipulate the battlefield. He can summon shadow creatures and create environmental hazards.

Skill Challenges:

  • Arcana (DC 22) to counteract shadow magic.
  • Wisdom saves (DC 20) to resist mind control.
  • Strength (DC 24) to break through magical barriers.
  • Dexterity saves (DC 22) to avoid deadly spells.


If the party successfully defeats the shadowlord, the shadow army collapses, and the remaining shadows retreat. The kingdom of Aridorn is saved, and the party’s heroism is celebrated.

If they fail, the kingdom falls into darkness, and the party must regroup and find another way to defeat the shadows.

Epilogue: The Aftermath

Description: The battle is over, but the kingdom must rebuild. The party’s actions have lasting consequences, and they must navigate the new political landscape and deal with the lingering effects of the shadow war.

Future Adventure Hooks:

  • Political Intrigue: Dealing with the power vacuum left by the shadowlord’s defeat and potential threats from rival factions.
  • Shadow Residue: Investigating strange occurrences and creatures left behind by the shadow magic.
  • Redemption Arc: Helping survivors of the shadow corruption or preventing others from falling into darkness.
  • Exploration of the Void: Further adventures into the unknown realms beyond the material world, seeking to prevent future shadow invasions.

4. The Legacy of the Echo Mage

Summary: Eryndor’s influence and legacy continue to affect the world. The party must deal with the consequences of his actions and the lingering effects of his magic.

Title: The Legacy of the Echo Mage
Level: Suitable for characters of levels 15-17
Setting: The kingdom of Aridorn, ancient ruins, and the mysterious Echo Sanctum
Synopsis: After the defeat of the Echo Mage, the echoes of his power and influence continue to reverberate through Aridorn. The party must uncover hidden secrets, confront lingering dangers, and deal with the lasting impact of the Echo Mage’s legacy.

Part 1: The Echoes of the Past


The adventure begins with the party enjoying a period of peace in Aridorn. However, they soon receive troubling reports of strange phenomena and disturbances linked to the Echo Mage’s lingering influence. The party is summoned by King Alaric to investigate these occurrences and prevent any further chaos.

Scene 1: Echoes in the City

Description: The party arrives in the capital city of Aridorn, where unusual events are occurring. Buildings vibrate with unseen energy, people hear whispers of the past, and strange illusions appear.


  • Echo Phantoms: Spectral figures reliving moments from the past, including Echo Phantoms (custom creature resembling ghosts with psychic abilities).
  • Skill Challenges: Arcana (DC 18) to understand the nature of the echoes, Insight (DC 16) to discern patterns in the disturbances, and Investigation (DC 20) to find the source of the phenomena.

Narrative Hook: The party discovers that the disturbances are centered around locations tied to the Echo Mage’s past. Clues point to an ancient ruin where the Echo Mage once studied.

Scene 2: The Ruined Library

Description: The party ventures to an ancient, abandoned library once used by the Echo Mage. The library is filled with traps, puzzles, and guardians protecting forbidden knowledge.


  • Library Guardians: Animated Books (custom creature), Arcane Wards (trap), and Spectral Librarians (custom creature).
  • Skill Challenges: Thieves’ Tools (DC 20) to disarm traps, Arcana (DC 18) to decipher ancient runes, and History (DC 16) to understand the significance of the texts.

Narrative Hook: The party finds a hidden chamber containing the Echo Mage’s personal journals and a map leading to the Echo Sanctum, where he conducted his most powerful experiments.

Scene 3: The Echo Sanctum

Description: The party travels to the Echo Sanctum, a hidden underground facility filled with echoes of past experiments. The sanctum is a maze of interconnected chambers, each echoing with residual magic.


  • Sanctum Defenders: Echo Golems (custom creature), Arcane Traps, and Phantasmal Constructs (custom creature).
  • Skill Challenges: Perception (DC 18) to spot hidden dangers, Investigation (DC 20) to navigate the maze, and Arcana (DC 22) to counter residual magic.

Narrative Hook: The party discovers an unfinished experiment involving an artifact called the Echo Crystal, capable of manipulating reality and time. They must retrieve the crystal and understand its power.

Part 2: The Gathering Storm

Scene 4: Return to Aridorn

Description: The party returns to Aridorn with the Echo Crystal. They must consult with scholars and mages to understand its power and potential dangers.


  • Political Intrigue: Various factions and individuals vie for control or influence over the Echo Crystal. The party must navigate these politics to ensure the artifact’s safe use.
  • Skill Challenges: Persuasion (DC 20) to convince leaders, Insight (DC 18) to uncover hidden motives, and Diplomacy (DC 16) to negotiate alliances.

Narrative Hook: The party learns that a cult of followers of the Echo Mage, known as the Echo Sect, seeks to use the Echo Crystal to revive their master and unleash chaos.

Scene 5: The Echo Sect

Description: The party tracks the Echo Sect to a remote fortress. They must infiltrate the fortress, confront the cultists, and prevent them from using the Echo Crystal.


  • Echo Sect Cultists: Cult Fanatics (MM), Echo Acolytes (custom spellcasters), and a Shadow Sorcerer (custom boss).
  • Skill Challenges: Stealth (DC 18) to infiltrate the fortress, Perception (DC 20) to spot traps, and Arcana (DC 22) to disrupt the cult’s rituals.

Narrative Hook: The party finds evidence that the Echo Sect has a contingency plan involving a ritual to merge the Echo Mage’s essence with a powerful entity from another plane.

Scene 6: The Ritual of Echoes

Description: The party must stop the Echo Sect’s ritual, which is being conducted in a hidden cavern beneath the fortress. The ritual site is filled with dark energy and guarded by powerful echoes.


  • Ritual Guardians: Echo Phantoms (custom creature), Shadow Elementals (custom creature), and the Echo Sect Leader (custom boss).
  • Skill Challenges: Religion (DC 20) to disrupt the ritual, Arcana (DC 22) to counteract dark magic, and Strength (DC 24) to break through barriers.

Narrative Hook: The party successfully stops the ritual, but a portal to another plane is briefly opened. Through the portal, they glimpse an otherworldly being tied to the Echo Mage’s power.

Part 3: Confronting the Legacy

Scene 7: Preparing for the Final Confrontation

Description: The party returns to Aridorn to prepare for a final confrontation with the entity linked to the Echo Mage. They must gather allies, fortify defenses, and plan their strategy.


  • War Preparations: Training troops, setting up magical defenses, and scouting enemy positions.
  • Skill Challenges: Leadership (DC 20) to inspire allies, Strategy (DC 18) to plan defenses, and Persuasion (DC 16) to secure reinforcements.

Narrative Hook: The party learns that the entity will arrive through the portal in the heart of Aridorn. They must be ready to face this otherworldly threat.

Scene 8: The Battle of Aridorn

Description: The final battle takes place in the capital city, where the entity from another plane emerges. The party leads the defense, facing waves of minions and the entity itself.


  • Otherworldly Minions: Spectral Warriors (custom creature), Shadow Hounds (custom creature), and Void Sentinels (custom creature).
  • Skill Challenges: Strategy (DC 20) to direct forces, Perception (DC 18) to identify key threats, and Endurance (DC 16) to sustain the fight.

Narrative Hook: The battle reaches its climax as the entity, a powerful being with ties to the Echo Mage’s power, emerges fully. The party must confront and defeat this entity to save Aridorn.

Scene 9: Confrontation with the Entity

Description: The party faces the otherworldly entity in a final showdown. This battle will determine the fate of Aridorn and the legacy of the Echo Mage.

Encounter: Final battle with the entity, a powerful being with unique abilities. Use a high-level creature stat block (such as a modified Archfiend or custom void entity) with legendary actions and reality-warping powers.

Battle Tactics: The entity uses illusions, void magic, and the power of the Echo Crystal to manipulate the battlefield. It can summon minions and create environmental hazards.

Skill Challenges:

  • Arcana (DC 24) to counteract void magic.
  • Wisdom saves (DC 22) to resist mind control.
  • Strength (DC 26) to break through magical barriers.
  • Dexterity saves (DC 24) to avoid deadly spells.


If the party successfully defeats the entity, the portal is closed, and the remaining echoes dissipate. Aridorn is saved, and the party’s heroism is celebrated.

If they fail, the kingdom falls into chaos, and the party must find another way to defeat the entity and restore balance.

Epilogue: The Aftermath

Description: The battle is over, but the kingdom must rebuild. The party’s actions have lasting consequences, and they must navigate the new political landscape and deal with the lingering effects of the Echo Mage’s legacy.

Future Adventure Hooks:

  • Political Intrigue: Dealing with the power vacuum left by the entity’s defeat and potential threats from rival factions.
  • Void Residue: Investigating strange occurrences and creatures left behind by the void magic.
  • Redemption Arc: Helping survivors of the void corruption or preventing others from falling into darkness.
  • Exploration of Other Planes: Further adventures into the unknown realms beyond the material world, seeking to prevent future void invasions.