Input your Starfinder campaign details:
GAME: Choose the Starfinder edition you prefer (e.g., Starfinder Core Rulebook).
CAMPAIGN SETTING: Select a cosmic location within the Starfinder universe (e.g., Absalom Station, Akiton, or The Diaspora).
PLAYER CHARACTERS: Specify character races, classes, and backgrounds (e.g., “A vesk soldier seeking redemption” or “A ysoki mechanic with a knack for starship engineering”).
CAMPAIGN GOAL: Decide on a quest or exploration mission (e.g., Retrieve ancient alien artifacts, Explore uncharted planets, or Uncover corporate conspiracies).
Submit and Generate:
Click the ‘Submit’ button to let the AI generate your Starfinder scenario.
The AI will manage the gameplay, creating an immersive and dynamic experience in the vastness of Golarion and beyond.
Enjoy the Adventure:
The AI Dungeon Master will act as your personal Stewards of the Stars, guiding you through starship battles, alien encounters, and cosmic mysteries.
Expect spacefaring NPCs, interplanetary intrigue, and technomagical wonders.
Whether you’re a seasoned spacefarer or a rookie pilot, this AI-powered Starfinder Guide will chart your course through the stars14.
Remember, in the boundless expanse of Starfinder, every choice shapes the destiny of your crew and the fate of the galaxy!

Number of dice

Type of die:
