Input your Pathfinder campaign details:
GAME: Choose the Pathfinder edition you prefer (e.g., Pathfinder Second Edition).
GAME BOOKS: Select specific adventure paths, modules, or lore from Pathfinder that you wish to explore (e.g., Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, or Kingmaker).
CHARACTER: Define your hero’s race, class, background, and personal goals (e.g., “A half-elf rogue seeking redemption” or “A dwarven cleric on a quest for ancient relics”).
THEME: Set the central theme for your adventure (e.g., Exploration of Lost Ruins, Political Intrigue in a City-State, or Epic Quest for Legendary Artifacts).
TONALITY: Choose the narrative style for your journey (e.g., Gritty Realism, High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, or Pulp Adventure).
Submit and Generate:
Click the ‘Submit’ button to let the AI generate your Pathfinder scenario.
The AI will manage the gameplay, creating an immersive and dynamic experience in the rich and diverse world of Golarion.
Enjoy the Adventure:
The AI Dungeon Master will act as your personal Pathfinder Chronicler, guiding you through dungeons, encounters, and epic quests.
Expect ancient artifacts, elven enclaves, and dragon-slaying adventures.
Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a novice, this AI-powered Pathfinder Guide will bring your campaign to life

Number of dice

Type of die:
