Concealed within the depths of a mountain forest, a small elven settlement lies hidden from prying eyes. Accessed only by winding paths and secret passages, this ethereal haven emanates an air of enchantment and mystique. Elven dwellings, intricately woven from living vines and adorned with vibrant blossoms, blend seamlessly with the surrounding flora. Soft sunlight filters through the dense canopy, casting dappled patterns upon moss-covered paths. The residents, graceful and attuned to nature, practice ancient elven arts, weaving intricate spells and communing with forest spirits. Echoes of elven songs and laughter drift through the glades, while hidden groves reveal shimmering pools where the moon’s reflection reveals ancient prophecies. Silvanvale Refuge stands as a sanctuary of elven wisdom, a place where time seems to slow and the harmony of the natural world thrives undisturbed.


A medieval fantasy world. Only one God exists (the god is non-gendered and called “the Old One”) but people believes also in local beliefs. No undead. A single big nation (empire) on a unique continent the size of europe.

Keywords: the Old One, unique continent, empire, local beliefs, non-gendered God, forgotten event

World type: Medieval fantasy



Legend has it that the ancient settlers who founded Luminia were deeply connected to the spirits of the forest. They were said to be able to communicate with the creatures of the woods and even control them. According to local beliefs, these settlers were able to tame even the most fearsome beasts of the forest, including the deadly dire wolves that still roam the mountains around Luminia. Some tales even say that the settlers made a pact with the spirits of the wood, promising to protect and tend to the forest in exchange for their help. Today, the people of Luminia still call upon the spirits of the forest for guidance, offering offerings and prayers to ensure their continued protection., The ruins in the ancient forest surrounding Luminia are shrouded in mystery and fear. Local beliefs hold that they are cursed, and that those who enter them rarely return. The villagers of Luminia tell cautionary tales of adventurers who entered the ruins seeking treasure, only to be driven mad or devoured by the spirits that dwell within. Some of the elders claim that the ruins were once a temple dedicated to a non-gendered God, worshipped by the ancient empire that ruled the unique continent long before Luminia was founded. Others whisper of a forgotten event that took place in the ruins, an event so terrible that it caused the spirits of the wood to turn against the empire and destroy it utterly. Whether these tales are true or not, the ruins remain a place of great danger and mystery., The people of Luminia have always been aware that they share their village with more than just their fellow humans. Legends of ghosts and other supernatural beings have circulated in the village for centuries, with each generation adding its own twists and embellishments to the tales. One of the most persistent of these stories is that of the ghostly figure that wanders the streets of Luminia at night. Some say that it is the spirit of a long-dead adventurer, still searching for treasure in the village he loved. Others claim that it is the restless soul of a villager who was wronged and seeks revenge. Whatever the truth of the matter, the villagers take care to avoid the places where the ghostly figure has been seen, lest they meet an untimely end., There are few creatures more fearsome than the dragon, a massive reptilian beast capable of breathing fire and tearing apart entire armies with ease. So when a traveler claimed to have seen a dragon sleeping in the mountains near Luminia, many dismissed it as nothing more than a tall tale. But there were those in the village who believed the traveler’s account, and who secretly hoped that the dragon would remain asleep and not come down to lay waste to their homes. For years after the sighting, villagers whispered about the dragon and speculated about its origins and intentions. Some even went so far as to venture into the mountains seeking the dragon, but none returned to tell their tales., The forest that surrounds Luminia is a place of great beauty and great danger. It is a place where travelers can easily become lost, wandering for days without any sign of civilization. So when a young girl was lost in the forest for three days and returned unharmed, claiming to have been guided by a talking rabbit, the villagers were both amazed and frightened. The girl’s tale spread quickly throughout the village, with some believing that she had truly encountered a magical creature that had helped her find her way home. Others dismissed it as the fevered imaginings of a child lost in the woods. But regardless of the truth of the matter, the tale of the talking rabbit has become one of the most enduring legends of Luminia., Sometimes, strangers arrive in Luminia with mysterious abilities and powers that seem almost magical. One such stranger arrived in the village one day and cured a woman of a terminal illness with a single touch. The villagers were both awed and frightened by this act, unsure of whether the stranger was a gift from the spirits of the forest or an agent of darker forces. But regardless of their fears, the stranger was welcomed into the village and treated with great respect and hospitality. The villagers hoped that the stranger would remain in Luminia, that they might learn from their wisdom and perhaps even be blessed with more miracles.

Keywords: legend has it that the ancient settlers were able to communicate with the spirits of the forest and even control them, the ruins are said to be cursed, and those who enter rarely return, a ghostly figure can sometimes be seen wandering the streets at night, a traveler once claimed to have seen a dragon sleeping in the mountains, a young girl was once lost in the forest for three days and returned unharmed, claiming she had been guided by a talking rabbit, a mysterious stranger arrived in the village one day and cured a woman of a terminal illness with a single touch


The ancient ruins in the forest are a source of both fascination and fear for the villagers of Luminia. Once home to an unknown civilization, the ruins remain shrouded in mystery. Scholars believe that they hold the key to understanding the forgotten event that changed the course of the village’s history. Locals, on the other hand, tell stories of curses and malevolent spirits that haunt the ruins. Despite the dangers, some adventurous souls still venture into the ruins in the hopes of uncovering their secrets. The ruins are guarded by the spirits of the forest, who will guide those they deem worthy and punish those who disrespect the ancient site. It is said that the ruins emit a strange light at night, leading some to speculate that they are still imbued with magic from a time long past., The temple of the Old One is a place of great reverence for the people of Luminia. The non-gendered God is believed to have created the unique continent upon which the village stands, as well as the ancient forest that surrounds it. The temple itself is a humble structure located on the outskirts of the village, with a single spire reaching towards the sky. It is tended to by a group of devoted scholars and priests, who offer prayers to the Old One at dawn and dusk each day. The temple is also a center for intellectual pursuits, with scholars from all over the continent coming to study the ancient texts housed within its walls. Despite its importance, the temple remains accessible to all who seek solace and guidance from the God of Luminia., The defensive wall surrounding the village has stood for decades, protecting the people of Luminia from threats both human and beastly. Built after an attack by wolves that left several villagers injured, the wall is made from a combination of stone and timber. Guard towers are stationed along its perimeter, each manned by a group of skilled archers. The wall has been put to the test on several occasions, including a bandit invasion three decades ago and sporadic raids by goblin bands from the mountains. Despite these challenges, the wall has never been breached, a testament to the resilience and determination of the people of Luminia., The marketplace in the town square is a hub of activity and commerce in Luminia. Traders from neighboring villages bring their wares to sell, including timber, honey, herbs, fish, wool, pottery, and cheese. Local merchants also set up shop in the square, selling everything from handcrafted jewelry to freshly baked bread. The market is held every other week, and is known for its lively atmosphere and sense of community. It is also a place where rumors and news are exchanged, making it an important source of information for those seeking to learn about external influences on the village., The inn known for its famous honey mead is a popular destination for travelers passing through Luminia. Located at the edge of the village, it offers comfortable rooms and hearty meals to weary adventurers. Its signature drink, honey mead, is brewed on site using honey from the village’s apiaries. The innkeeper is a friendly and welcoming host, eager to share stories and advice with his guests. The inn is also a center for information about the surrounding area, with maps and guides available to those seeking to explore the ancient forest or venture into the mountains beyond., The mill along the river that provides flour to the village is a vital resource for the people of Luminia. Powered by the swift currents of the river, the mill produces enough flour to feed the entire village. Its machinery is maintained by a team of skilled craftsmen who take great pride in their work. The mill is also a place of community, with villagers coming together to share news and gossip while waiting for their grain to be processed. Despite its importance, the mill is still vulnerable to the occasional flood or drought, making the villagers ever mindful of the need to maintain their delicate balance with the forces of nature.

Keywords: the ancient ruins in the forest, the temple of the Old One on the outskirts of the village, the defensive wall surrounding the village, the marketplace in the town square, the inn known for its famous honey mead, the mill along the river that provides flour to the village

Global view: A cozy and prosperous village nestled in the heart of a dense ancient forest surrounded by rugged mountains.

Global view detailed: Luminia is a picturesque village that has clearly been designed with both functionality and aesthetic appeal in mind. Timber-framed buildings with stone walls line the streets, their thatched roofs adding to their rustic charm. The houses are painted in earthy colors such as browns, greens, and reds, blending into the surrounding forest. The windows are small and often have shutters, providing insulation during the colder months. The streets are paved with cobblestones, making them sturdy enough to withstand even the harshest weather conditions. The village is also equipped with several wells, ensuring that its inhabitants always have access to fresh water. Overall, Luminia is an idyllic settlement that blends harmoniously with its natural surroundings.

Style: timber-framed, stone walls, thatched roof, small windows, earthy colors, rustic


the ancient ruins in the forest

The ancient ruins in the forest are a hauntingly beautiful sight. The crumbling remains of what was once a thriving civilization have been overgrown with moss and vines, giving them an unearthly appearance. Strange symbols and carvings cover the walls, hinting at the mystical power that once resided within. Those who venture inside are said to hear whispers and see strange apparitions, leading many to believe that the ruins are still imbued with magic.

Keywords: overgrown, moss-covered, crumbling, unearthly, forgotten, enchanted