The Metamagician is a master of the arcane, delving into the very essence of magic to manipulate its fundamental laws. This prestigious path is often pursued by those who have dedicated their lives to the study of arcana, seeking to understand and control the building blocks of magical energy.

Specialist Name: Arcane Theorist.

Allowed Races: Any race with a propensity for magic may walk the path of the Metamagician, though it is most common among Humans, Elves, Gnomes, and those with a natural inclination towards the arcane.

Ability Requirements: A keen intellect is crucial for a Metamagician. An Intelligence score of no less than 17 is required to grasp the complex theories of metamagic.

Saving Throw Modifiers: Metamagicians are adept at recognizing and countering magical effects, granting them advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: Metamagicians gain additional spell slots that can be used exclusively for metamagic-enhanced spells. They also develop a unique ability to reduce the spell slot cost for using metamagic by 1, to a minimum of the spell’s original level, starting at 5th level.

Magic Resistance: At 11th level, Metamagicians gain a magic resistance that grants them a bonus to saving throws against spells equal to their Intelligence modifier. This bonus increases by 1 for every level beyond 11th.

Oppositional Schools: Metamagic transcends traditional schools of magic, focusing instead on the universal aspects of spellcasting. Therefore, Metamagicians do not have oppositional schools but must spend additional time studying to master their expansive knowledge.

Spell List: The Metamagician’s spell list includes a variety of spells that alter and enhance other spells, such as ‘Counterspell’, ‘Dispel Magic’, ‘Antimagic Field’, and ‘Spell Turning’. They also have access to unique metamagic feats like ‘Extend Spell’, ‘Empower Spell’, and ‘Quicken Spell’.

As the Metamagician grows in power, their understanding of magic allows them to bend the rules of spellcasting, creating effects that defy expectations and challenge the limits of magical theory.

Magic Resistance: The scaling of magic resistance with levels can be be designed as follows:

Starting at 11th level, the Metamagician gains a base magic resistance of 5%. This represents their growing ability to understand and resist magical effects.
For each level beyond 11th, the Metamagician’s magic resistance increases by an additional 5%.
So, the progression would look like this:

11th Level: 5% magic resistance
12th Level: 10% magic resistance
13th Level: 15% magic resistance
14th Level: 20% magic resistance
15th Level: 25% magic resistance
16th Level: 30% magic resistance
And so on, with the percentage increasing by 5% for each level gained. This scaling allows the Metamagician to become increasingly adept at warding off magical effects as they advance in their studies and experience.

In addition to magic resistance, here are some class features that could go hand and hand with a Metamagician’s abilities:

Arcane Recovery: This feature allows the Metamagician to regain some of their expended spell slots during a short rest, reflecting their deep understanding of magical energies.
Spell Reflection: When successfully resisting a spell with magic resistance, the Metamagician could have a chance to reflect the spell back at the caster.
Counterspell Mastery: The Metamagician could gain an enhanced ability to use counterspells, potentially even without expending a spell slot, due to their intimate knowledge of spell mechanics.
Metamagic Adept: This feature would allow the Metamagician to apply two metamagic options to a single spell, showcasing their advanced control over spellcasting.
Arcane Ward: As a protective measure, the Metamagician could create a magical shield that absorbs damage, which could be powered up each time they successfully resist a spell.
Mystic Insight: The Metamagician might gain the ability to see and understand magical auras, giving them insight into the type, strength, and location of nearby magic.
Spell Synthesis: This unique ability could allow the Metamagician to combine two spells into one casting, creating new and powerful magical effects.
These features would enhance the Metamagician’s role as a controller and manipulator of magical forces, making them a versatile and powerful addition to any adventuring party

Metamagic Feats:

Careful Spell: Allows you to protect chosen targets from the effects of your area of effect spells.
Distant Spell: Doubles the range of spells. For spells with a range of touch, it extends the range to 30 feet.
Empowered Spell: Allows you to reroll a number of damage dice up to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.
Extended Spell: Doubles the duration of spells that last for 1 minute or longer.
Heightened Spell: Gives one target of a spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.
Quickened Spell: Allows you to cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action as a bonus action.
Seeking Spell (TCoE): If you miss with a spell attack, you can reroll the d20, and you must use the new roll.
Subtle Spell: Allows you to cast spells without any somatic or verbal components.
Transmuted Spell (TCoE): You can change the damage type of a spell to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder.
Twinned Spell: When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn’t have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip).

The interaction between metamagic feats and the Metamagician’s abilities can be quite synergistic. Here’s how they are able work together.

Reduced Spell Slot Cost: The Metamagician’s ability to reduce the spell slot cost for using metamagic by 1, to a minimum of the spell’s original level, means they can apply metamagic feats more frequently and efficiently. For example, a spell that would normally require a spell slot two levels higher when a metamagic feat is applied would only require one level higher for a Metamagician.
Magic Resistance: As Metamagicians gain levels, their increasing magic resistance can make them more resilient against spells, which complements their role as masters of spell manipulation. This resistance could potentially apply to spells they modify with metamagic feats, making them less susceptible to their own powerful spell effects.
No Oppositional Schools: Since Metamagicians do not have oppositional schools, they can learn and apply metamagic feats to a wide range of spells, giving them unparalleled versatility in spellcasting.
Bonus Spells: The additional spell slots for metamagic-enhanced spells allow Metamagicians to prepare a diverse array of modified spells, ready to adapt to any situation.
In essence, metamagic feats expand the Metamagician’s toolkit, allowing them to tailor spells in real-time to suit the needs of the moment, whether that’s casting quicker, farther, or more potent spells


Arcane Spark: Adds a minor magical effect to a non-magical action.
Mystic Whispers: Extends the range of a whispered message spell.
1st Level: 3. Spellthread: Links two spells together, allowing them to be cast simultaneously. 4. Mana Echo: Causes the next spell cast to reverberate, potentially affecting an additional target.

2nd Level: 5. Arcane Amplify: Increases the potency of the next damage-dealing spell. 6. Ethereal Step: Grants a spell the ability to bypass physical barriers.

3rd Level: 7. Temporal Stretch: Extends the duration of a spell. 8. Spellshape: Alters the area of effect of a spell (e.g., changing a cone into a line).

4th Level: 9. Empower Rune: Enhances a spell inscribed on an object, increasing its effectiveness. 10. Mystic Veil: Adds an illusionary effect to a spell, disguising its true nature.

5th Level: 11. Eldritch Conversion: Changes the damage type of a spell to another element. 12. Spellchain: Links multiple spells to trigger in sequence.

6th Level: 13. Arcane Fusion: Combines two spells into a single, more powerful effect. 14. Spell Reflection: Reflects a portion of a spell’s effect back to its origin.

7th Level: 15. Dimensional Anchor: Prevents a spell from being teleported or moved across planes. 16. Mana Infusion: Supercharges a spell, significantly increasing its power.

8th Level: 17. Eternal Spell: Makes a spell’s effects permanent until dispelled. 18. Spell Matrix: Creates a web of spells that activate under specific conditions.

9th Level: 19. Reality Ripple: Causes a spell to affect both the physical and ethereal planes. 20. Arcane Singularity: Creates a point of intense magical energy that amplifies all spells cast within its vicinity.

Be advised, a Metamagician can certainly learn non-metamagic spells as well. While their specialty lies in the study and manipulation of metamagic, they are not restricted to metamagical spells alone. As practitioners of the arcane, Metamagicians have access to a broad spectrum of spells across various schools of magic. This diverse magical repertoire allows them to be versatile and prepared for a wide range of situations, combining both traditional spellcasting and their unique metamagical abilities to adapt and thrive in any magical endeavor.