-----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====-----
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Ability Requirements: Dexterity 15
Constitution 15
Intelligence 15
Charisma 15
Prime Requisites: Dex, Int, and Chr.
Races allowed: Human and Half-elf

The new and improved bard in optional character class, developed by
Mr. Greene, Lord Thron (both Iowa Staters), Keebler The Elf, and WEG (both
from Western Illinois University), that can be used by all those DM's and
players that like to experiment. He makes his way in life by his charm,
talent for spellcasting, and by the edge of a sword. A good bard should be
glib of tongue, competent with weapons, and fleet of foot.

To become a new and improved bard, a character must have a Dexterity of
15 or more, a Constitution of 15 or more, an Intelligence of 15 or more,
and a Charisma of 15 or more. The new and improved bard can be lawful,
neutral, or chaotic, good or evil (for those of us who LIKE alignments),
but must always be partially neutral. Only by retaining a certain amount
of detachment can he successfully fulfill his role as a bard.

The new and improved bard, by his nature, tends to learn many different
skills. He is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. Although he fights
as a cleric, he can use any weapon. He can wear any armor up to, and
including padded leather but cannot use a shield. In addition his hit
points are now determined by a d8 as a cleric (for those of us who LIKE hit

All new and improved bards are proficient singers, chanters, or
vocalists, and can play a musical instrument of the player's choice
(preferably one that is portable). Additional instruments can be learned
if the optional proficiency rules are used-the new and improved bard can
learn two instruments for every proficiency slot spent.
In his travels, the new and improved bard also manages to learn a few
magical spells. Like a mage, a bard's Intelligence determines the number
of spells he can learn and the chance to know any given spell. These he
keeps in his songbook, abiding by all restrictions on memorization and
spell use that bind a mage. The schools in which the new and improved bard
can transpose form spell form to his songbook are: Abjuation,
Enchant/Charm Greater Divination, and minor access (third level or less) in
Conjuration/ Summoning and Illions/Phantasm. This is now limited because
the bard is not a true magic user and should not be allowed to have the
full powers of one. The conversion is accomplished through the use of the
new Write Song spell, which every new and improved bard must know
(discussed later).

In addition, the new and improved bard is able to convert any priest
scroll into his songbook (this assumes the deity is accommodating). The
sphers, in which the new and improved bard has access are: Animal,
Charm, Divination, Plant, Protection, and minor access (third level or
lower) in Weather. The transferring process is accomplished through the
use of the Write Song spell. Although these songs are priest spells, they
are governed by the same restrictions applying to the memorization and
spell use of a mage.

Since the new and improved bards are dabbers rather than full time
spell users, their spell tend to be gained by serendipity and happenstance.
Although the new and improved bard is restricted by school and sphere, in
no case can he chose to specialize in any area of magic. Beginning bards
do not have a selection of spells. A second level bard begins with one to
four spells chosen randomly by the DM (after intelligence check for each
one). The bard is not guaranteed to know read magic, but he is given the
Write Song spell at second level when he begins singing his spells. The
new and improved bard can add new spells to his songbook as he finds them,
but he does not automatically gain additional spells as he advances in
level. All spells beyond those he starts with must be found during the
course of the adventure. He must have an instrument he is proficient in, on
hand to cast spells, because the magic comes form his music not necessarily
hand gestures. The new and improved bard's casting level is equal to that
of his current level. For more information read the Player's Handbook.
Level Progression Table
Level Experience Points Hit Dice (d8)
----------------- ---------
1 0 1
2 1450 2
3 2900 3
4 5800 4
5 12000 5
6 24000 6
7 48000 7
8 85000 8
9 138000 9
10 190000 10

Thereafter, add 30000 exp. points per level to the thief table.

The Write Song Spell (bard spell)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Effect: 1 magical spell/inscription
Saving Throw: Special

By means of this spell, the new and improved bard might be able to
inscribe a spell which he can not understand at the time or he is
converting to bard's song from either of the restricted wizard or priest
spells. He must transfer said spells into the songbook or other
compilation he employs to maintain a library of songs. The new and
improved bard must make a saving throw versus magic to attempt the writing
of any spell, +2 if it is only up to one level greater than he currently
uses, 0 if at two levels higher, and -1 per level from three
levels higher upwards. If this throw fails, the new and improved bard is
subject to 1d4 points of damage for every level of the spell he was
attempting to transcribe into his songbook, and furthermore be knocked
unconscious for a like number of turns. This damage, if not fatal, can
only be healed at the rate of 1d4 points per day, as it is damage to the
psyche and body. Furthermore, a spell will take 1 hour per level to
transcribe in these this fashion, and during this period, the new and
improved bard is in a trance state and can always be surprised by any foe.
In addition to the writing surface upon which the spell is to be
transcribed, the spell caster needs a fine ink composed of rare substances
(Minimum cost 100gp per bottle from any third level magic user or above).
Remember the new and improved bard can copy songs from a fellow bard
without the aid of this spell as long as he can use that spell level.

Based on the latest Unearthed Arcana update, here are some changes to consider:

Ability Scores: The ability score prerequisites remain the same. A bard must have a Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma of 15 or more.

Alignment: The alignment restrictions are no longer applicable as per the latest edition1.

Armor and Weapons: Bards are no longer proficient in hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, or shortswords. They can still wear any armor up to, and including padded leather but cannot use a shield.
Hit Points: The hit points are still determined by a d8 as a cleric.

Proficiencies: All bards are proficient singers, chanters, or vocalists, and can play a musical instrument of the player’s choice. Additional instruments can be learned if the optional proficiency rules are used.

Spellcasting: Bards’ Intelligence still determines the number of spells they can learn and the chance to know any given spell. The schools in which the bard can transpose form spell form to his songbook are: Abjuration, Enchant/Charm Greater Divination, and minor access (third level or less) in Conjuration/ Summoning and Illions/Phantasm1.

Bardic Inspiration: Bardic Inspiration has been modified to be a reaction instead of a bonus action in combat.

New Subclasses: There are new subclasses for the Bard, including College of Glamour, College of Lore, and College of Valor.

For Pathfinder, based on the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project, here are some changes:

Ability Scores: The ability score prerequisites remain the same. A bard must have a Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma of 15 or more.

Alignment: The alignment system has been replaced with a new Ethics mechanic and an adjusted Anathema mechanic3.
Armor and Weapons: The armor and weapon proficiencies remain the same.

Hit Points: The hit points are still determined by a d8 as a cleric.

Proficiencies: All bards are proficient singers, chanters, or vocalists, and can play a musical instrument of the player’s choice. Additional instruments can be learned if the optional proficiency rules are used4.

Spellcasting: Bards’ Intelligence still determines the number of spells they can learn and the chance to know any given spell4. The schools in which the bard can transpose form spell form to his songbook are: Abjuration, Enchant/Charm Greater Divination, and minor access (third level or less) in Conjuration/ Summoning and Illions/Phantasm.
Removal of Alignments: Alignments have been removed and replaced with a new Ethics mechanic and an adjusted Anathema mechanic.