We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on our dedicated Social Media Manager, Megan Kemple, for her incredible work outside of our company. Megan’s commitment to advocating for the safety and well-being of cats, both feral and domestic, through her involvement with Emery Cat Rescue is truly inspiring.

Emery Cat Rescue: This amazing organization focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating cats in need. Megan has been instrumental in their efforts, successfully trapping, treating, spaying, and neutering countless cats. Her tireless dedication has also led to finding much-needed homes for these animals, ensuring they have a safe and loving environment.

Recently, Megan was featured on ABC4 News Utah, where she discussed a troubling case of animal abuse in her area and the vital assistance provided by Emery Cat Rescue to the affected cats. You can view the full report here.

We are incredibly proud of Megan’s continuous efforts to raise awareness about animal abuse and her unwavering dedication to making a difference. Her work with Emery Cat Rescue exemplifies the values we hold dear at our company, and we wish her ongoing success in her mission to stop animal abuse of all types.

Join us in celebrating Megan Kemple and her remarkable contributions to our community!

Company BioMegan Kemple is a passionate and dedicated professional with a decade of experience in the field of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs) and Wargames. Her journey in this field started in her teenage years and has been a constant part of her life ever since. Megan’s familiarity with TTRPGs and Wargames is extensive, having participated in numerous games and assisted others in character creation.

While Megan is still learning about blockchain technologies, she brings a unique set of skills to the D20 Network project. She is particularly adept at social media management and fundraising. Megan has successfully run multiple Facebook groups and pages, demonstrating her ability to capture attention with well-crafted posts. Her fundraising skills are exceptional, having organized and executed several successful events for various causes. These include raising funds for medical costs, band trips, and school fundraisers, where she helped her children become top sellers.

In the D20 Network project, Megan’s main responsibility is managing social media. However, her role extends beyond that. She brings great people skills, a deep understanding of social media, and a compassionate and empathetic approach to everyone who wants to be a part of the company. Megan is excited about every aspect of the D20 Network project, especially the opportunity to learn more and get involved with all the mechanics and the community.