Input your Degenesis campaign details:

GAME: Specify the specific edition of Degenesis you own and prefer to use.
GAME BOOKS: Include any additional sourcebooks or scenarios you own (e.g., Artifacts, Black Atlantic, In Thy Blood, The Killing Game, Clusters, Katharsys).
CHARACTER: Outline your character’s archetype and backstory (This can be as basic as “A scavenger from Purgare” or as detailed as you desire).
THEME: Choose the overall theme for your adventure (e.g., Post-Apocalyptic Survival, Primer Intrigue, Cult Conspiracies, Power Struggles, Rediscovery of the Past).
TONALITY: Determine the narrative style for your experience (e.g., Grim, Mysterious, Tense, Humorous, Dramatic, Surreal, Thrilling, Enlightening).

Submit and Generate:
Click the ‘Submit’ button to let the AI generate your Degenesis scenario.
The AI will manage the gameplay, creating an immersive and dynamic experience in the post-apocalyptic landscapes of Degenesis.
Enjoy the Adventure:

The AI Dungeon Master will act as your personal Chronicler, guiding you through a world reborn from catastrophe.
Expect vivid descriptions, compelling NPCs, and dice rolls handled according to Degenesis rules.
Whether you’re a veteran or a neophyte to role-playing, embark on an unforgettable journey with this innovative AI as your guide, and reshape your perceptions of what an AI-powered Chronicler can achieve1.
Remember, in the harsh wastelands of Degenesis, every choice matters. May your adventures be as twisted and mysterious as the remnants of the past!

Number of dice

Type of die:
