Are you ready to dive into the chaos and earn big rewards? Introducing PixelTap, the latest mini game by Pixelverse, where your quick moves and strategy can earn you huge $PIXFI token rewards. Engage in real-time battles, upgrade your bots, and complete daily tasks to maximize your earnings. Join the adventure on Telegram and earn your share of the total token supply!

About Pixelverse

Pixelverse is an enthralling quest-based battler game set in a vibrant cyberpunk pixelated universe. Players engage in dynamic PvE battles, collect rare items, and continuously hone their skills through an extensive quest and narrative framework. Explore the mysterious world of Xenon with your trusty Bot, undertaking challenging quests and uncovering rich lore in this immersive digital landscape.

Grab your Pixelverse account and bonus here

Step-by-Step Guide to the PixelTap by Pixelverse Airdrop

Set Up Your Profile:

  • Click on the pencil icon to edit your profile.
  • Follow Pixelverse on TwitterDiscord, and Telegram, then link your associated social accounts.

Start Playing PixelTap:

  • Launch the PixelTap Mini Game bot on Telegram.
  • Click on the rewards tab to claim daily rewards and complete social tasks to earn PIX coins

Engage in Battles:

  • Fight other players in real-time, use quick moves, and strategically select attack and defense zones with the super-punch feature.

Upgrade Your Robots:

  • Feed your Robots under the PET dashboard section to upgrade and strengthen them.

Earn Extra Points:

  • Complete tasks on the Pixelverse Dashboard.

The more you play and win, the larger your share of the $PIXFI total supply.